Mundial Qatar 2022: El mejor Messi juega, no golea | Mundial Qatar 2022

No hay un solo argentino que no anime a la Albiceleste. La sensación deentrega y complicidad del país es tal que si hubiera un solo ciudadano que nodejara todo para apoyar a la selección cuando juega su partido seríadenunciado y expulsado de Argentina. Hasta Pablito Aimar, tan sensible con elbalón como frío en la expresión, se puso a llorar después del gol de Messicontra México. La jugada desbloqueó a la Albiceleste y estremecio a Argentina.El equipo recuperó la memoria perdida contra Arabia Saudí y recordó antePolonia cómo jugaba cuando era invencible y llegó a sumar hasta 36 partidossin perder antes de llegar a Qatar.

El ataque era continuo: Enzo Fernández ordenaba, Messi absorbía y sedesmarcaba sin parar Julián Álvarez. La victoria se daba por descontada, yafuera en una jugada de mérito, de rebote o por inercia, sensación que creciócuando el árbitro pitó penalti por un manotazo de Szczesny a la cara de Messi.Aunque no fue falta, el colegiado se sumó al viento a favor de la Albiceleste.El portero, sin embargo, rechazó con el brazo derecho el tiro del 10. Laintervención de Szczesny, invicto hasta entonces después de detener una penamáxima también ante Arabia Saudí, provocó que se hablara más de su acierto quede error de Messi.

Nadie dudó nunca and cualquier caso del triunfo de Argentina. El gol no fue deMessi sino de Mac Allister y la jugada resultó más afortunada que casual porel empeño en la victoria que ponía la Albiceleste. A favor de marcador, elencuentro se puso cuesta abajo para la selección capitaneada por Messi. Losprotagonistas, de todas maneras, eran los mismos además del 10: Enzo Fernándezy Julián Álvarez. El volante picó la pelota para el delantero y su control ytiro resultaron imparables incluso para Szczesny. A Scaloni le había salido elequipo sobre la marcha después de tener que cambiar a la fuerza por la derrotaen el debú ante Arabia.

A sus 35 años, Messi encontró a los socios oportunos para que el equipo giraraa su alrededor sin necesidad de meter también los goles como pasaba cuandoArgentina perdía en el Mundial y la Copa América. Ya no se repara tanto en queserá seguramente la última Copa que disputará el rosarino y por tanto notendría más oportunidades de alcanzar el título, sino que se habla de lacandidatura de Argentina. Polonia ni siquiera abrió la boca sino que sesolidarizó descaradamente con la Albiceleste. La selección, más europeizadaque nunca, cosida a partir del pase después de renunciar a la gambeta, juntó aun país desgarrado y convencido de que su suerte cambiará el día que salgacampeona en Qatar. La tensión y la emoción es tanta que desfallecer supondríaperder y provocar una catástrofe en Argentina. El desafío ya es colectivo y noindividual para suerte de una muy buena versión de Messi. El juego delrosarino es más importante que sus goles desde que se entendió que no se tratade ser Maradona sino Messi.

Mundial Qatar 2022: Mexico se queda a un gol del pase | Mundial Qatar 2022

Arabia abdicó and ataque. No encontró caminos con la pelota, pero se aplicópara guardarse de una goleada y México lo sufrió porque ni las cuentas lesalían ni Argentina les hacía un favor ni el videoarbitraje validó dos golesque llegaron tras sendas posiciones antirreglamentarias. Con el equipovolcado, Arabia encontró un magro consuelo con un gol de Aldawsari que nadacambió para los mexicanos: si marcaban estarían en octavos. Pero no fueroncapaces de hacerlo.

Tata Martino lleva a México a su gran fracaso en el Mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

Mexico ha retrocedido en el tiempo. Ha caído en la primera ronda de unMundial, algo que no ocurría en 44 años. Quedaron fuera pese a dar el mejorpartido de tres posibles contra Arabia Saudí. Tenian el futuro en sus manos,pero los goles no cayeron en racimo. Ese 1-2 frente a los árabes relevó, comosi fuera una radiografía, el fútbol mexicano: mucho corazón, empuje y garrapero solo en momentos de urgencia. El empate sin goles contra Polonia y ladura derrota con Argentina sentenciaron la participación mexicana liderada porTata Martino, un técnico que no supo dar el cambio generacional y visto ahoracomo el enemigo público de México.

La culpa recae no solo en un Martino que, desde 2019, no supo cómo sacarlebrillo a un equipo mexicano que empezaba a envejecer. Dejó de lado a lageneración dorada de Giovani Dos Santos, Carlos Vela y Javier _Chicharito_Hernández por distintos motivos: de la baja de rendimiento a los conflictoscon el grupo. Sus patrones de la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF) lepidieron, por lo menos, clasificar a octavos de final. El argentino no pudohacerlo.

Yon de Luisa, presidente de la FMF, empezó también su gestión en este ciclomundialista y es el otro señalado. Prometió que el fútbol mexicano crecería yse ha achicado. El Tri no pasaba de ronda desde Argentina 1978 cuando fuegoleada por tunecinos, alemanes y polacos. No pudieron ni con el mejor HugoSánchez. Ahora, en 2022, Martino no supo gestionar el brote de grandestalentos como Alexis Vega (a quien cambió en el medio tiempo contra los árabespese a ser incisivo), Uriel Antuna, Carlos Rodríguez, César Montes, SantiagoGiménez o Diego Lainez. A estos dos últimos los cortó de su lista final enmedio de criticas. En su lugar llevó a un frágil Raúl Jiménez que no pudosuperar más de medio año lesionado y que, con dificultades, jugó en los trespartidos de México en Qatar. No pudo hacer gol ni generar una ocasión depeligro. La insistencia de Martino por confiar en Jiménez le ha salido muy

Real Madrid y Barcelona chocan con LaLiga y no asistirán a la Asamblea de clubes en Dubái | Deportes

El club blanco esgrime varios argumentos para oponerse. And primer lugar, creeque no se ajusta a la ley. “Consideramos ilegal la convocatoria, ya que secita a los clubes a más de 5,000 km de la sede de LaLiga”, apunta. El segundomotivo es que no se ha preparado lo suficiente con los equipos, y se haorganizado de un modo “improvisado”, carente de debate y análisis sosegado,pese a que en ella se van a abordar cambios de normativa relevants. Porúltimo, aduce razones económicas. “Resulta del todo inapropiado yprofundamente incoherente que LaLiga cometa el dispendio económico dedesplazar a más de 100 personas para realizar un acto de esta naturaleza, enestas fechas, a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, cuando el mismo podría celebrarseen la sede de LaLiga sin incurrir en costes extraordinarios”, razona.

Tragedia en el ciclismo: Davide Rebellin muere atropellado por un camión | Deportes

Pocos días después estalló el escándalo de su equipo, el Gerolsteiner alemán.Varios de sus ciclistas dieron positivo, también Rebellin, cuya orina recogidatras la carrera de los Juegos contenía restos de CERA, la llamada entonces EPOde segunda generación. El Gerolsteiner desapareció y Rebellin perdió lamedalla olímpica y sufrió una sanción de dos años. Tenía 37 años entonces,pero la suspensión no significó la retirada. Regresó en 2011. Corrió 11 más enequipos de segunda y tercera división en carreras exóticas de cuarto nivel, enlas que siempre se entregaba. Se retiró, pero no colgó la bicicleta. Seguíasaliendo todos los días, haciendo honor a su proclama de que él debíaentrenarse solo porque cuando se juntaba con otros estos no hacían más quepararse en los cafés y no se entregaban al máximo.

Pity, not jealousy is in order for the rich folks in ‘The Sky is the Limit’

With the sixth season of ‘The Sky is the Limit’ – ‘Life as it is: before therevolution’ – my fascination with the infamous one percent has finally come toan end. What about watching a program about rich people if you have seen therich people by now?

Tom RaesTuesday, November 29, 202212:00

I mean it Peter Boekx also wondered, because for this season he has onceagain selected, as it is called in these sports jargon-ridden times. This waywe could get to know the debutant at our own pace Yves Maas , which meantsomething in the waste and container business. I’m not doing it. While a hotair balloon with his name on it was filling up next to him – ‘The biggest inBelgium!’, Boeckx honked – Maes went over the status of his turnover figuresfor our attention. I personally learned neither lesson nor wisdom from it, butwhen we were back on the ground after the actual balloon flight, I pricked upmy ears when Maes told how someone had tried to get more money out of him whenselling a house than agreed: that other enterprising spirit had of coursefound out who Maes was, which didn’t seem like much of an art to me since hewas more of the articulate type when it came to his finances. ‘I’ve gone toseven hundred, and after that: kissing balls! Stick it in their hole!’ Theballoon was now dying on the ground, but I still felt hot air. That’s crazy.

Woe to the one who thinks he recognizes jealousy in this writing, because, asis often the case, I read a warning in this program rather than a potentialtarget. I once suspected Peter Boeckx of a certain cunning in his work, whichwould not have been out of place in this program, but in the meantime I havefound out that sniggering along is not irony, let alone that it results in aninterview.

This is not jealousy, in short, but pity. Especially when things like that geta little fuzzy on the eyes, and they ignite what they feel is nothing short ofan impassioned confession, I set myself up for unintentional amusement. Theconcrete bons Frederick Laeremans for example, I already knew from anearlier season, but now we were allowed to experience him while he was visitedby his personal coach. It’s teeming with coaches in this arthritic era, Inotice. Once you only found such titles on sports grounds, but today thosepeople are attached in droves to other wealthy people like barnacles toostentatious cruise ships. But so, ‘When I see someone driving by with aRolls, I think: how does he do that?’, Laeremans sighed to his coach. ‘It’sgreat that the growing attention to mental health has now also crept into ‘TheSky is the Limit’, I thought, before shedding a tear for all those people who,although in a good mood, are now not that rich either that they can purchase aRolls Royce without prior fundraising. Perhaps the next Warmest Week will becommitted to them.

However, it became completely dystopian when Boeckx arrived in London JoshuaVan der Aa , ‘aesthetic doctor’. I’ve heard that cosmetic procedures areaddictive, and that dealers of intoxicants shouldn’t throw themselves intotheir own merchandise, but that didn’t apply to Van der Aa, who himself wasalso a sample of what ‘aesthetic medicine’ can do. It therefore looks like aplastic version of Mattel Reuben van Gucht has released. After he had putan expensive suit on his shoulders at home, we were in his wake at an awardceremony for plastic surgeons for which Van der Aa had been nominated severaltimes. I don’t remember the categories – ” Best New Ass (Female)” or so -but Van der Aa certainly missed the prizes. ‘You can no longer call thishealthcare’, I decided.

It’s a question I’ve been carrying around for some time, but given the currentcrisis, I’m forced to ask it out loud: who is this program actually intended

‘You Will Always See Me Try’

Jennifer Hudson joins Mila Kunis, Quinta Brunson and Matthew McConaughey asone of PEOPLE ‘s 2022 People of the Year! Look for all four covers onnewsstands this week and read more below from Hudson’s revealing interview inthe new issue.

As a new mom living in her hometown of Chicago, Jennifer Hudson had a uniqueritual with her only child. “When David was a baby, we lived in this high-riseapartment that had the most beautiful view of the sky and Lake Michigan,”Hudson, 41, recalls of life with her son, now 13.

Already an acclaimed singer and actress at the time, Hudson was determined toensure the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. “My mother always instilled inus, ‘Whatever you put your mind to, you can do it,’ and I want to do the samefor him,” she adds. “So when he would eat, I would take his high chair andface it toward the window because I wanted him to know ‘As far as you can see,you can achieve.’ “

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People's People of the Year issue onNovember 11, 2022 at a private location in Venice,California.

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People’s People of the Year issue on November11, 2022 at a private location in Venice, California.

Obidigbo Nzeribe Jennifer Hudson

That mantra has served her well. After her shocking early exit from americanidol in 2004, the singer went on to star in the 2006 movie dream girls andwin an Oscar for her performance. She took home a Grammy in 2009 for best R&Balbum (her first of two) and last year nabbed a Daytime Emmy as an executiveproducer of Baba Yaga , a virtual reality animated short film. In JuneHudson received a Tony for co-producing the Broadway musical _A Strange Loop_making her the 17th person — and youngest female — to achieve EGOT status bywinning the four highest entertainment-industry awards.

“It’s a huge honor and has been an ongoing celebration,” she says. “I feellike it opens the space for me to be able to pick and choose more of what Iwant to do, but that’s been my whole career. I like to lead by my heart andwhat I’m passionate about.”

Her latest passion? A highly anticipated, syndicated daytime talk show thatpremiered in September. Whether at work or navigating life as mom to ateenager, Hudson still sets her sights on the horizon. “Everything I do makesme anxious, but you will always see me try,” she says. “I love breaking newground. All of it [causes] anxiety and fear—but that’s how we grow.”

Story continues

RELATED: Jennifer Hudson Says She ‘s ‘Still Processing’ EGOT Status: ‘ItCame as a Surprise’

Jennifer HudsonRolloutJenniferHudsonRollout

Jennifer Hudson Rollout

Jennifer Hudson instagram Jennifer Hudson with her awards

How does it feel to be an EGOT winner?

I’m still figuring that out. It’s something, obviously, that I aspired to, butit takes a long time to process. It puts me in a better position to be able tolend more support. But I feel the same way [about] being a talk show host, tocreate a platform for everyone, just so we all have a place to feel included,and using my position and impact to be able to just continue to bring everyonetogether.

What ‘s been the most surprising thing about doing the talk show?

I can’t say I knew what to expect. I’m still learning as I go. I think seeinghow huge of a machine it is, how many departments it has, meeting the crew andthe staff. I’ve been a guest on a show like this, but to come in from a hostperspective and see the entire production, I think that’s the most surprisingpart.

How do you think 5-year-old Jennifer would respond to your life now?

You know, back then I used to have a lot of big ideas, and I always remembermy mama saying, “You can’t do everything.” So to be the 41-year-old Jennifernow, it’s like, “Well, Mama, I done did some of everything.” Your dreams,whatever you put your mind to, you can do it. And to be able to achieve that,I think little Jennifer would see that I was on the right track with myvisions and my goals.Although this is beyond my dreams.

RELATED: Jennifer Hudson Shows Off Her EGOT Hardware in New Photo: ‘I WillAlways Be 17!’

Jennifer Hudson People POTYcoveJenniferHudson People POTYcove

Jennifer Hudson People POTY cove

Obidigbo Nzeribe Jennifer Hudson on the cover of PEOPLE

What were you like as a child?

I used to always speak about what I was going to do or be. Like when I was 7years old and the teachers asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Isaid, “I’m going to be famous.” And I spoke it into existence.

When did you first realize you could sing?

That’s always been a part of me. I don’t remember a time where I didn’t, butit took other people to say, “Look at the impact that you have and theinvestment that your teachers or the adults are making in you.” My familysaying, “Yes, the family has a talent, but Jennifer has a gift”—that made melook at it and say, “Oh, well, maybe I do have something different.”

What was the most important thing you learned from not winning americanidol?

There’s a lesson in everything. Nothing is just, like, “Oh you just placedseventh.” That was a platform that allowed me to be seen and prepared me forwhat was to come. Everything leads to the next in some capacity. You may notget what you think you’re supposed to out of it, but it will help prepare youfor what you will have eventually.

Is there anything that makes you feel insecure?

I mean, we are all insecure about something. I always like to accentuate thepositive, though. What am I insecure about? I don’t know how to explain it.How vulnerable of a heart I have. Because sometimes when people see kindness,they take it for granted, so at times I think it can cause an insecurity inthat way.

RELATED: Jennifer Hudson Says About Raising Her Teenage Son: ‘He Has His OwnSwag Now’

Jennifer HudsonRolloutJenniferHudsonRollout

Jennifer Hudson Rollout

Jennifer Hudson instagram Jennifer Hudson with son David

What do you love most about the person your son has become?

He is so thoughtful and very well-rounded. He’s very considerate. He is such agiver and very practical. I think he’s wise for his age. We have our children,you love them, but sometimes they grow up in a way where you’re like, “Now Ididn’t raise you like that.” But [even] if he wasn’t my child, this little boyis an amazing human.

Talk me through a day when you ‘re not working.

I don’t know what that is! I’m with the kids, maybe watching basketball. It’snot like once the cameras cut, I’m off from that persona that’s created. No,this is very much me. Half the time [when] I’m singing, I don’t even realizeI’m singing or talking. And I love people, so it’s like what you see is whatyou get.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Why sleep when you’re busy living your dream? I don’t need a lot of sleep,because I do thrive off of energy. I love what I do, and I rest when I can. IfI don’t do my work or if it’s lingering, my mind never stops. Which is why Iwork as hard as I do, because I want to have earned the right to rest.

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People's People of the Year issue onNovember 11, 2022 at a private location in Venice,California.JenniferHudson photographed for People's People of the Year issue on November 11, 2022at a private location in Venice,California.

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People’s People of the Year issue on November11, 2022 at a private location in Venice, California.

Obidigbo Nzeribe Jennifer Hudson

So how do you decompress?

Sitting in the house with my cats. Massages. I love just sitting and watchingmy kid play his video games. Shopping and chocolate. Drawing. I love spray-painting things, riding my bike, those things help bring me down a notch.

What ‘s left on your bucket list?

I definitely want to direct at some point. That’s enough, because when I saysomething, it happens. And I wouldn’t mind touring again. Obviously anotheralbum. And then I want to play the piano more. By the time I get out of thischair, I’ll have something else.

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People's People of the Year issue onNovember 11, 2022 at a private location in Venice,California.JenniferHudson photographed for People's People of the Year issue on November 11, 2022at a private location in Venice,California.

Jennifer Hudson photographed for People’s People of the Year issue on November11, 2022 at a private location in Venice, California.

Obidigbo Nzeribe Jennifer Hudson

With that said, how would you describe your life now?

It’s hopping on a roller coaster every day as I hit the ground running. It hasits highs and lows and everything in between. But it’s a beautiful, beautifulride. If God don’t do another thing, he’s done enough. And I am satisfied.

For more of the exclusive interview with Jennifer Hudson, and PEOPLE ‘ sthree other People of the Year cover honorees, please pick up this week’sissue, on newsstands everywhere Friday.

‘Gossip Girl’ gave the original cast a rich career: how are they doing? | TV

TVThe happiness of true ‘Gossip Girl’ fans has been running wild since theGeorgina Sparks makes her appearance in the second season of the reboot, whichwill be released December 2 on Streamz. So actress Michelle Trachtenberg (37)is once again taking on the role of her character from 2007. But what aboutthe rest of the original cast? One bombed to superstardom, the other wentbankrupt or came into the eye of the storm since the #MeToo movement.

Georgina Sparks appeared in the brand new trailer for the reboot of thepopular 2007 series. A recognizable image from the series that kept fans gluedto the screen for six seasons. A role for which the original cast can begrateful, because since then many have secured roles in major productions.

LOOK. This is what Georgina Sparks will look like in 2022

Blake Lively (35) played Serena van der Woodsen

Blake Lively © The CW/Getty

After years of portraying the fashion-conscious Serena in “Gossip Girl,”Lively shifted her focus to the big screen. The actress played the leadingrole in ‘The Age of Adaline’, ‘A Simple Favor’, ‘The Shallows’ and ‘The RhythmSection’, among others. On the set of ‘Green Latern’ in 2011, she got alongvery well with her co-star Ryan Reynolds (46), with whom she eventuallymarried and had three children.

Leighton Meester (36) played Blair Waldorf

Leighton MeesterLeighton Meester © The CW/Wire Image

The actress who played the spoiled brat with a small heart from the Upper EastSide all these years has become a jack of all trades. She was seen in thesitcoms ‘Single Parents’ and ‘Making History’. But she also made herappearance on the Broadway stage in ‘Of Mice and Men’. But not only acting,singing is also one of Master’s passions. In 2014 she launched her first album’Heartstrings’. She also got married with a fellow actor. In 2014, she married’Gilmore Girls’ actor Adam Brody, with whom she welcomed two sons.

Ed Westwick (35) played Chuck Bass

EdWestwickEd Westwick © The CW/EPA

A charmer at heart, that Chuck Bass. After his popular role, Westwick was alsooffered work in ‘Wicked City’, ‘Snatch’ and ‘White Gold’, among others.Unfortunately, the actor also came up during the #MeToo movement. Severalwomen accused him of sexually transgressive behavior, but he always deniedthat. In the end, the police dismissed the case because of insufficientevidence.

Chace Crawford (37) played Nate Archibald

ChaceCrawfordChace Crawford © The CW/Vertical Entertainment

One of the coveted men from ‘Gossip Girl’ was played by Crawford. After that,he was featured in several TV shows such as ‘Blood & Oil’, ‘The Boys’ and’Casual’.

Penn Badgley (36) played Dan Humphrey

PennBadgleyPenn Badgley © The CW/Wire Image

After writer Dan Humphrey’s true colors surfaced in “Gossip Girl,” Penn wasseen in such films as “Easy A,” “The Stepfather,” and “Forever Strong.”Nowadays, Badgley is particularly successful as Joe Goldberg in the Netflixseries ‘You’. Fortunately, on a private level, he handled things better inlove than his character in ‘You’. He married singer Domino Kirke, togetherthey have a son.

Taylor Momsen (29) played Jenny Humphrey

TaylorMomsenTaylor Momsen © The CW/Getty

Taylor was barely fourteen years old when she played Dan’s younger sister.Music was already her great passion at the time, which is why she left theshow in 2010. She released four albums with her band ‘The Pretty Reckless’. Soshe put acting aside for a while, but “never say never”, she told ‘E!’.

Jessica Szohr (37) played Vanessa Abrams

Jessica SzohrJessica Szohr © The CW/Getty

Jessica Szohr has been an integral part of the film world since ‘Gossip Girl’.She made appearances in blockbusters like ‘The Internship’, ‘Ted 2’ and ‘TwoNight Stand’. In between, she also put on TV shows including ‘Kingdom’,’Shameless’ and ‘The Orville’. In addition to her successful career, shewelcomed a baby girl in 2021 with her fiancé Brad Richardson.

Michelle Trachtenberg (37) played Georgina Sparks

MichelleTrachtenbergMichelle Trachtenberg © The CW/Streamz

So the manipulative Georgina Sparks returns to the elite of the Upper EastSide. Since her departure in 2007, the actress’s career has cooled. She didappear in ‘The Scribbler’, ’17 Again’ and did a voice for ‘Human Kind Of’ in2018. Michelle prefers to keep her love life behind closed doors, but when sheseemed to get along with her ‘ Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ colleague was runningthe rumor mill at full speed.

Kelly Rutherford (54) played Lily van der Woodsen

KellyRutherfordKelly Rutherford © The CW/RTLTVI

Lily van der Woodsen was Serena’s mother. Since then, Kelly has mainly been inthe news because of her much-discussed lawsuit with her ex-husband DanielGiersch. The two could not agree on the custody of their two children. Thebusiness even got so out of hand (financially) that the actress went bankruptin 2013. Career-wise, she managed to get roles in ‘Reckless’, ‘The Mysteriesof Laura’ and ‘Quantico’. She can also be seen in the reboot of ‘Dynasty’.

Connor Paolo (32) played Eric van der Woodsen

ConnorPauloConnor Paulo © The CW/Rezo Films

The van der Woodsen family also knew Eric, Serena’s younger brother. After’Gossip Girl’, Connor immediately plunged into another hit series: ‘Revenge’,which ran until 2013. After that, he played roles in the horror film ‘FriendRequest’, among others. We recently saw him in an episode of ‘The Resident’.

Matthew Settle (53) played Rufus Humphrey

MatthewSettleMatthew Settle © The CW/Getty

In “Gossip Girl,” Matthew played the role of Dan and Jenny’s father, a formerrock star. The acting did not let go of him afterwards. He was seen in thehorror film ‘Ouija’ and made his appearance in ‘Criminal Minds: BeyondBorders’. His latest achievement dates from 2017 with ‘Valentine’. His ownfamily now includes two daughters.

Mundial Qatar 2022: El fútbol de México teme retrocedar en el tiempo al caer en la phase de grupos | Mundial Qatar 2022

El primer Mundial del Tri en los tiempos de Yon de Luisa se juega suclasificación en el partido contra Arabia Saudí, el que era aparentemente elrival más débil del grupo. Los saudíes atraparon en su trampa a una Argentinaque por más tiros que intentó no pudo batir a la defensa asiática. Ese 1-2frente a la Albiceleste complicó el grupo C para polacos y mexicanos también.El empate 0-0 contra Polonia mostró una cara agresiva de los mexicanos y conun guardián en la portería. La derrota 2-0 contra Argentina puso en el blancode criticas el plantteamiento defensivo de Martino que soportó una hora ydespués se vino abajo con cambios que asfixiaron su juego. El anhelo de laselección mexicana depende de una victoria y no solo por la mínima, sino deesperar a lo que hagan los de Lewandowski contra Messi. Necesitan ganar 4-0para desentenderse del otro partido. Si empatan o pierden contra los saudíes,eliminados. El resto de combinaciones quedan and el azar.

Mundial Qatar 2022: La sobredosis de mediocampistas limita a la selección mexicana de Tata Martino en el Mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

“Siempre dije que el nueve es Raúl [Jiménez]. Está con una lesión que no lepermite tener continuidad. Pero lo que me produce satisfacción es que noestamos en problemas por escasez”, dijo Martino en noviembre. La confianzaplena en Jimenez ha sido su controvertida. El futbolista dejó de tener surasgo de goleador tras la fractura craneal que sufrió en 2020. Su cuerporeaccionó bien a la recuperación, pero le costó tomar ritmo. A inicios de esteaño mundialista, Jiménez pasó 77 días lesionado. En los 43 minutos que hajugado en Qatar se le ha visto errático y sin opciones de aportar a suscompañeros. Martino le ha respetado su jerarquía por encima de los otros dosdelanteros Henry Martín (77 minutos jugados contra Polonia) y Rogelio FunesMori, sin jugar.