Top 5 new movies and series on Netflix, from Anna to Do Revenge

It’s the time of year to just stay indoors and swing on Netflix. In our view,these are the most striking new Netflix movies and series that appeared inweek 37.

This week features a diverse list of new movies and series on Netflix,including an interesting revival of a classic high school series and a Netflixdocumentary about a toxic, paranoid mother.

New movies and series in week 37 on Netflix

With dot on one in the list of new Netflix movies and series in week 37, wefind a tasty spy thriller from 2019. The perfect Saturday night movie.

1. Anna (Movie)

The film Anna is already from 2019 and can be seen on Netflix since thisweek. Although the film did not really appeal to critics at the time, the spyfilm has now become a ratings hit on Netflix. The film Anna tells about theRussian model Anna Poliatova, who carries a deep secret with her. She is alsoone of Russia’s most dangerous spies.

2. Heartbreak High (Original Series)

In second place in the list of new films and series we find a reboot of adelicious classic. Heartbreak High screams 90s of course at those that ringa bell. The successful Australian high school series was immensely popular,also in the Netherlands. Netflix has released a reboot especially for thecurrent young generations. Shall Heartbreak High 2.0 become as global asuccess as the original?

3. Do Revenge (Original Movie)

Good news for Netflix subscribers who can’t get enough of Maya Hawke’s actingperformance ( Stranger Things ). The rising star – and daughter Ethan Hawkeand Uma Thurman – will star in Do Revenge a high school comedy in Hitchcocksauce.

The popular Drea (Camila Mendes, Riverdale ) wants revenge on her boyfriendfor publishing her sex tape. Exchange student Eleanor (Maya Hawke) is hauntedby a rumor. The two teens team up to take action against their tormentors. Ina nutshell: teenage girls take revenge in a film laced with black humor

4. Sins of Our Mother (Original Documentary)

This week’s list of movies and series also includes a grim Netflix OriginalDocumentary. Sins of Our Mother tells of a dangerous cocktail of murder,religious fanaticism and the belief that the world is going to end. The motherin question is also referred to as ‘doomsday mother’ in the documentary. Youcan see what impact this lady in question had on the people around her Sinsof Our Mother.

5. Drifting Home (Original Anime)

So, enough apocalypse for today. We happily continue with a nice OriginalAnime in the top 5 with new movies and series on Netflix. In Drifting Home agroup of elementary school children has become adrift in an abandonedapartment building. Yes, a floating apartment building. The young group trieswith all their might to find their way home.

Also check out the new movies and series that appeared on Netflix in week 36,such as a brand new season of Cobra Kai.

10 money questions to Luc Appermont: ‘We have done well’

1 Do you spend a lot of time on money matters?

‘I won’t be hypocritical: Bart and I have done well and financially realizedwhat we wanted to achieve. Yet I have never really cared much about ourfinances. We have surrounded ourselves with a few confidential advisers andadvisers, so that every major financial decision is checked with at leastthree people. But to be honest: when we meet with our accountant, I especiallyhope that we will be through all the paperwork as soon as possible so that wecan have dinner.’ (laughs)

2 Who gave you your best financial advice?

‘My father, although as a CPAS employee he was not at home in the businessenvironment either. He urged me to buy real estate as soon as possible at thestart of my career. With my first savings I bought a property in Bilzen with avery heavy loan. It paid off well: from day one I rented it out to publicservices for years. I myself only entered it for the first time after fortyyears, when the lease had ended.’

3 What do you invest in?

‘About two-thirds of our assets is in real estate, the rest is in an equityand bond portfolio. The management is outsourced and we receive a report everyyear. Soon we will have a meeting with the adviser about this, the first sincethe war in Ukraine started. I have little illusions. At the same time, Irealize that we have to sweat out the crisis and that there is no point inpanicking.’

4 When do you want to stop working?

“There’s no age limit on a craft that’s based on creativity and entertainment.Bart and I have agreed that we will tell each other immediately if we noticethat what we are doing is no longer acceptable to an audience. Until then wewill continue. Not because we need it financially, but mainly because we liketo do it.’

5 How much is your pension benefit?

We still dream of an apartment in Paris. “

‘With my mixed career I now have a pension of about 1,500 euros. That is notin proportion to what I have paid all those years, as a self-employed personand as an employee. That is why we have worked so hard to be financiallyindependent. That is mainly due to Bart, who has much more of the self-employed mentality that I lack.’

6 What do you like to spend money on?

‘We like to eat out. In an ordinary restaurant around the corner or in a starrestaurant, although the latter remains something for special occasions. Theweekly shopping also takes a big bite out of the budget. Bart is an excellentcook, who buys the best ingredients in specialized stores. That adds upquickly.’

7 How do you feel about inflation?

‘The rising electricity and water bill is still cutting in. I’m quite frugalin that respect, while Bart is a bit more casual. Behind his back I often haveto turn off the lights, close the doors or turn off the taps.’

8 What is the greatest luxury for you?

‘That I don’t have to. I’ve always been my own boss and I’ve always kept myfreedom.’

9 Have you thought about your succession planning?

‘We really put a lot of effort into that five years ago. That was certainlynecessary because we don’t have children. The power of attorney is also inorder. We have already seen too much misery among friends and acquaintances,because the deceased had not arranged anything.’

10 What would you buy if money were no object?

‘An apartment in Paris. At the start of his career, Bart was completelycaptivated by the French capital. We once saw a beautiful penthouse for saleon the Champs-Élysées. That cost 20 million Belgian francs, which of course wedidn’t have. We even considered taking out a loan for this. In the end wedidn’t. For that money we could spend our whole lives in the best hotels whenwe were in Paris. Yet it has always remained a dream to own a property there.’

Can Orange play better André Hazes or hardstyle in the dressing room next World Cup?

In top football you will rarely find a locker room where no music is playedbefore the match. After all, music motivates; it makes you happy, it connects,it creates combativeness. At least we think. Because how big is the influenceof dressing room music on the field? Is it there at all? We dive into theempirical archive and may come up with useful advice for Louis van Gaal andhis associates.

By Tom Röfekamp

Our lives are laced with music. You hear music in the supermarket, in the puband in the telephone queue for the IKEA helpdesk. You listen to it on thebike, in the shower (yes, what you yourself whine you can also call music) andwhile driving. Even if you in the middle of nowhere and you think you havebanned any chance of outside stimuli from your environment, chances are a birdflying overhead will still chirp its happy melodies in your ear. Music iseverywhere.

Just imagine the 2010 World Cup without vuvuzelas.

So it should come as no surprise that sport is also imbued with it. Imagine aSaturday run without earphones. A bench press without headphones. Or,zooming out more, a packed football stadium, where all you hear is the buzz ofpeople chatting quietly in the stands, without chants, vuvuzelas or thump ofdrums brought along. It wouldn’t be the same.

We will stay in the stadium for a while. We go through the players tunnel,take one or two exits and then pass the door frame of the dressing room.There, one of the teams present – ​​say Liverpool – is preparing for the gameof the year. Let’s say the Champions League final. The chosen team DJ (sayJordan Henderson) connects his phone to the included speaker system as usualand looks up ‘the’ number: All of the Lights by Kanye West. He presses’play’, and the music starts playing.

When it comes to music, Erik ten Hag ‘s policy during his time at BayernMunich left a lot to be desired…

Does music boost performance on the pitch? In 2013, researchers from the Leibniz University in Hanover took the test.They had two teams of five play three games and moved the variables perperformance. In the first game, neither team got to hear music beforehand. Inthe second, one crew heard fast, electronic compositions on wirelessheadphones, synchronized to the nearest thousandth of a second. The other teamgot after asynchronous numbers, varying in rhythm and tempo. During the lastgame, the roles were reversed: the ‘asynchronous’ team got the coordinatedmusic, and vice versa.

The results were evident: a team performed significantly better withsynchronous music than without or with asynchronous music. Researcher GerdSchmitz, who presented the findings to the German Football Association (DFB)after the experiment, described it as “a medium to large effect.” Whentrainers in Germany became aware of the results, they were immediatelyenthusiastic to test them in practice, the professor said afterwards.

Professor Costas Karageorghis of Brunel University in London picked up wherehis colleague across the Channel left off. In 2018, Karageorghis and hiscolleagues followed 34 youth players from a (as yet unknown) Premier Leagueclub over the course of a season, with the aim of charting their’psychological use of music’. It emerged from the questionnaires, reflectionsand interviews that the right sounds resulted in more self-confidence and abetter ability to suppress nerves. Music could also lead to betterperformances in training and competitions and give a sense of group cohesion.

In fact, players could even bad feel prepared if they were not told musicbefore a competition or training session. Erik ten Hag’s match policy duringhis time at Bayern Munich therefore left something to be desired.

Maybe the repertoire of hardcore DJ Angerfist isn ‘t quite the right choicefor a competition, but with Beethoven you might be cutting yourself evenmore.

pace! Whether you’re preparing for an important pot of the first movement ofBeethoven’s Moonlight Sonata setup or the repertoire of hardcore DJAngerfist makes quite a difference. Higher tempos provide motivation andimproved performance during short, intensive efforts; slower music isespecially helpful for endurance sports. Researchers at the University ofSouth Queensland discovered this in early 2020 in a large-scale literaturestudy. In the study – in which Karageorghis also co-wrote – it was discoveredthat a slower music tempo can help maintain a calmer heartbeat. Sports thatmainly revolve around endurance, such as running, would benefit from this.More explosive sports, for example CrossFit, thrive better with uptemponumbers. Although football falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, itcan most often be characterized as an endurance sport. Angerfist doesn’t seemso the way to go.

There’s a caveat, though: the Queensland findings involved music during theday sporting efforts. It can be said with certainty that the arbitral quartetwill come and get a story when Denzel Dumfries walks onto the field withBluetooth earphones in the upcoming World Cup. That is why Orange has to getthe most out of the music before the game. The ‘instant effect’ of slowersongs then falls into the water: it is better to choose at that moment to givethe heartbeat a boost.

This image will have been seen often enough in the dressing room, when ex-Crystal Palace teammates Damien Delaney and Wilfried Zaha clashed over theirdiffering musical tastes once again.

Who gets the auxiliary? As Karageorghis and colleagues concluded in their 2018 study, can music leadto a sense of group cohesion. Only we as humans differ fundamentally in ourlistening preferences. Just think of a nightclub you walk into and the musicisn’t your thing at all. Okay, the part of your group of friends that alsolikes to do ‘the butt shake’ in their spare time bass-heavy reggaeton beatsfrom the Latin American filing cabinet might persuade you to stay for onebeer, but after that you’ll want to leave with your tires screeching. Why elsewould it work in a dressing room?

It doesn’t, Karageorghis confirmed. A song or selection of songs where anentire group of players wants to scream their lungs out ensures mutual unity,the willingness to go through fire for each other. Music that doesn’t resonatewith everyone has the opposite effect. “The amount of crap I had to listento…” lamented former Crystal Palace defender and rock and roll enthusiastDamien Delaney in early 2021. The Athletic. “I think I officially gave upwhen someone told me there was a genre of music called ‘drill’.”

??>> — Adele (@Adele) January 10,> 2021

Partly for this reason, players are increasingly withdrawing into their ownlistening bubbles. The image of footballers preparing for a match with theirown chosen music on their earphones or headphones is becoming more and moreprevalent. “That does very little for team unity,” Karageorghis said. “If youask me as a psychologist whether individual preparation for a sport in whichyou are mutually dependent on each other is optimal, I would say ‘no’. Yes, dosome individual preparation. But you have to walk onto the field in a commonrhythm. In harmony. As a unit,” said the scientist.

Karageorghis believes there should always be one song that can bring the teamtogether. One of the best examples of this in recent football history isperhaps that of Chorley FC, which plays at the sixth tier of England. In the2020/21 season, Chorley surprised friend and foe by making it to the fourthround of the FA Cup and knocking Championship club Derby County out of thetournament 2-0. The victory song? A lament about the aftermath of a brokenrelationship – better known as Someone Like You from Adele. And don’t forgetthe Orange Lionesses, who seemed more united than ever at the 2017 World Cupceremony. You Can ‘t Get That Smile Off My Face by John de Bever blared fromthe speakers.

The Soundtrack of Champions Back to Liverpool. With the final notes of Rihanna’s rousing chorus stillringing in the players’ ears, they get ready to hit the Wanda Metropolitanofield. Tottenham Hotspur is the opponent tonight. Already in the secondminute, Mohamed Salah puts his team ahead by shooting a penalty decorated bySadio Mané impeccably. Tottenham then has possession of the ball, but hardlycreates any chances. Liverpool keeps things closed without any problems, ismore dangerous and closes the game just before time via Divock Origi. TheReds win their first Champions League in 14 years, and manager Jürgen Kloppcan hold up the big-eared cup for the first time.

Why this example? It’s true – including the song that buzzed the walls of theLiverpool dressing room beforehand. Although the qualities of the Liverpool of2019 should certainly not be misunderstood; music makes a difference. Scienceproves it. Adele may have been unable to get Chorley FC past Premier Leagueclub Wolverhampton Wanderers two seasons ago; it did provide that extra bit ofteam spirit, which allowed ‘David’ Chorley to triumph against ‘Goliath’ DerbyCounty. It could give just that little bit you need in a paper-matched battle.

Liverpool captain and team DJ Jordan Henderson holds up the Champions Leaguetrophy after a season in which Kanye West ‘s ‘All of the Lights’ was theanthem.

So what can the Orange learn from this for the coming World Cup? Which songshould the chosen team DJ permanently pin to the top of his Spotify library?

Well, that depends. André Hazes may be a Dutch icon, but if the majority ofthe selection prefers to turn their ears inside out when hearing Mokumtearjerkers, his music should be kept out of the dressing room. The trick isto find common ground, as Karageorghis said. One song that leaves everyone onthe same page. And preferably one that has a bit of pace. Angerfist, maybe.Maybe Henderson has some tips.

And if it all doesn’t help, there is always music to comfort them.

Top 5 new movies and series on Netflix, from Anna to Do Revenge

It’s the time of year to just stay indoors and swing on Netflix. In our view,these are the most striking new Netflix movies and series that appeared inweek 37.

This week features a diverse list of new movies and series on Netflix,including an interesting revival of a classic high school series and a Netflixdocumentary about a toxic, paranoid mother.

New movies and series in week 37 on Netflix

With dot on one in the list of new Netflix movies and series in week 37, wefind a tasty spy thriller from 2019. The perfect Saturday night movie.

1. Anna (Movie)

The film Anna is already from 2019 and can be seen on Netflix since thisweek. Although the film did not really appeal to critics at the time, the spyfilm has now become a ratings hit on Netflix. The film Anna tells about theRussian model Anna Poliatova, who carries a deep secret with her. She is alsoone of Russia’s most dangerous spies.

2. Heartbreak High (Original Series)

In second place in the list of new films and series we find a reboot of adelicious classic. Heartbreak High screams 90s of course at those that ringa bell. The successful Australian high school series was immensely popular,also in the Netherlands. Netflix has released a reboot especially for thecurrent young generations. Shall Heartbreak High 2.0 become as global asuccess as the original?

3. Do Revenge (Original Movie)

Good news for Netflix subscribers who can’t get enough of Maya Hawke’s actingperformance ( Stranger Things ). The rising star – and daughter Ethan Hawkeand Uma Thurman – will star in Do Revenge a high school comedy in Hitchcocksauce.

The popular Drea (Camila Mendes, Riverdale ) wants revenge on her boyfriendfor publishing her sex tape. Exchange student Eleanor (Maya Hawke) is hauntedby a rumor. The two teens team up to take action against their tormentors. Ina nutshell: teenage girls take revenge in a film laced with black humor

4. Sins of Our Mother (Original Documentary)

This week’s list of movies and series also includes a grim Netflix OriginalDocumentary. Sins of Our Mother tells of a dangerous cocktail of murder,religious fanaticism and the belief that the world is going to end. The motherin question is also referred to as ‘doomsday mother’ in the documentary. Youcan see what impact this lady in question had on the people around her Sinsof Our Mother.

5. Drifting Home (Original Anime)

So, enough apocalypse for today. We happily continue with a nice OriginalAnime in the top 5 with new movies and series on Netflix. In Drifting Home agroup of elementary school children has become adrift in an abandonedapartment building. Yes, a floating apartment building. The young group trieswith all their might to find their way home.

Also check out the new movies and series that appeared on Netflix in week 36,such as a brand new season of Cobra Kai.

London prepares for Queen’s funeral, largest security operation ever

“It’s been like this all morning,” grumbles a Flemish woman with a brightyellow helmet. Together with about twenty others she tries to participate in atour on a blue bicycle from London Bicycles. But there is little to cyclebetween Buckingham Palace, Westminster Hall and Westminster Abbey. The area ishermetically sealed to cars. Cyclists and pedestrians are bound by tightroutes with many fences and few crossings.

London prepares for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, tomorrow at 12:00 Dutchtime at Westminster Abbey. Hundreds of heads of state, government leaders andother prominent figures are coming. In addition, up to a million people maycome to the city to experience as much as possible of the funeral and thesubsequent driving tour on the streets, in parks or in the pub.

According to the London police, this represents the largest security operationever for the city.


Soldiers support the London police

At least 10,000 officers from across the United Kingdom are involved,supported by military personnel. The center where the ceremonies take place isfull of roadblocks. In order to guarantee safety as much as possible, theairspace will also be closed for the most part during the funeral.

According to security expert Simon Morgan, who was responsible for thesecurity of the royal family within the London police until a few years ago,the city is ready for this mega-operation: “The scripts for this day have beenset up for years and every major royal event in the city is It has been usedas a kind of training in recent decades, such as Princess Diana’s funeral in1997, or William and Kate’s wedding in 2011. All the knowledge gained fromthose moments comes in handy now.”

From attack to pickpockets

Morgan points out that Queen Elizabeth’s funeral is such a complicatedsecurity issue mainly because different kinds of threat come together: “Ofcourse everyone thinks of the possibility of a terrorist attack, with so manypublic figures together. But if at the same time there are a million people onthe road being on the street also means, for example, that there are morepickpockets active. All those aspects deserve the same attention, becauseeveryone who is in London on Monday deserves police protection.”

G. Keith Still, visiting professor of masses and behavior at the University ofSuffolk, reckons London can handle so many people: “London has experience withbig events, think of the 2012 Olympics. constantly monitor where it threatensto get too crowded. They see in time which metro stations or public placesthey have to close in that case, so that they can redirect people to anotherplace. If you expect such large crowds, you have to come up with a plan A,also have a plan B and C. The city has it.”

Two days in the cold

According to Still, it also matters what type of people come to the city:”Visitors to a funeral show different behavior than people who come for afootball match, for example. The biggest risk for the people who come toLondon on Monday is that they can overestimate themselves. That they think: Ican stand along the route for hours, that is not too much for me, while thatcould of course be the case for some. “


Nathalie (left), Rachel (center) and Kim (right) have been waiting along theroute of the funeral since 5 a.m. on Saturday morning

To get ahead of Monday’s masses, Nathalie (49), Rachel (51) and Kim (59) havealready set up a camping chair in Parliament Square at 5 a.m. on Saturdaymorning. They are thus assured of a good spot along the route that the coffincontaining Queen Elizabeth’s remains will travel from Westminster Hall toWestminster Abbey.

They don’t care that they have to last more than two days in the open air. “Wehave chairs, we have sleeping bags and we make new friends: we are doingwell,” Rachel says. “Being in the cold for more than two days and withoutsleep is nothing compared to our queen’s more than seventy years of loyal

Cycling on TV September 18, 2022 | After an early World Cup morning, still a sprint race and cross in the afternoon

Let’s get started! On Sunday, September 18, the cycling spectacle will kickoff in Australia, with the men’s individual time trial in the night fromSaturday to Sunday. After we have rubbed the sleep from our eyes, we can alsolook at another course on the couch in the afternoon. In the leader ‘sjersey List here where and at what time you should switch on.

TV and times World Championship time trial men and women 2022

The World Cycling Championships will be organized on the other side of theworld this year. That is great fun for the globalization of the sport, for theriders who ride there and for the audience present, but cycling fans from theNetherlands and Belgium are disappointed. They have to set the alarm if theywant to see something of the spectacle.

The individual time trials for the women and the men are completed in themiddle of the night. For the women you may still be able to stay up, as thefirst rider rolls off the starting podium at 1.35 am. However, the finish ofthe latter is not expected until 04:45. You might set the alarm for the men.The first will start at 05:40 am and the finish of the last participant isexpected around 09:00 am.

Both time trials can be followed via Eurosport the NOS and sporza.The NOS (NPO 1) switches on with the women from 1.30 am, Eurosport 1 andSporza (Eén) are available from 3 am. For the men, Eurosport and the NOS willstart broadcasting at 05.30, Sporza at 07:00.

TV and times Gooikse Pijl 2022

Sprint again in Belgium? It just might. The autumn classics at our southernneighbors often have a familiar ending. At the Championship of Flanders FabioJakobsen won and the Primus Classic was for Jordi Meeus. Quite a fewaltimeters are consumed in the Gooikse Pijl, but the fast men must still beconsidered capable of sprinting in the streets of Gooik.

The Gooikse Pijl will only be broadcast on Sunday via Proximus in Belgium.Bad news for Dutch cycling fans, who have to wait for the race report of In deLeiderstrui.

TV and times Grand Prix d’Isbergues

In addition to Australia and Belgium, there will also be races in France onSunday. The 1.1-day race Grand Prix d’Isbergues is fairly well occupied,especially by men from their own country. Arnaud Démare, Bryan Coquard andClément Venturini will ride a home race, but the organization will certainlylook forward to the arrival of Caleb Ewan (Lotto Soudal), Greg Van Avermaet(AG2R) and Tim Merlier (Alpecin-Deceuninck).

Unfortunately, there are no live images of the race, at least not in theNetherlands and Belgium. It will be broadcast in France, so we have to lookonline for a good stream. If you don’t feel like it, you will find the reporton the website of . after the finish In the leader ‘s jersey.

TV and times Exact Cross Kruibeke

Cyclocross! Yes! The first cross was actually already ridden on Saturday inMechelen, but the real cyclocross calendar officially starts on Sunday 18September. Then the ladies and gentlemen from cyclo-cross come together inKruibeke, where the first Exact Cross will be ridden. Who’s showing good legsso early in the season?

Live images of the cross can be found via Proximus (VTM) and viaEurosport. In Belgium they start broadcasting at 4 pm, Eurosport starts at4.15 pm with the cross for women, via Eurosport 1 and the Eurosport Player.It’s the turn of the gentlemen at 5.30 p.m. on both Eurosport channels.Proximus will continue the broadcast until 7 pm.

Rain of complaints after broadcasting ON broadcasting. Can everything be said?

The ombudsman of the public broadcaster, Margo Smit, has received a recordnumber of almost seventeen hundred complaints about an item in three days.Unheard of News from Thursday. The offending item would be racist.

The number of complaints is more than double the total complaints harvest ofan average year. Smit will forward the complaints to the responsiblebroadcaster Ongehoord Nederland (ON).

The rain of complaints, added to the condemnation of the broadcast by thecentral management of the public broadcaster (NPO), raises the question ofwhat the consequences will be for ON. What can the NPO leadership do againstthe radical right broadcaster – and four more questions.

1 What exactly has ‘Unheard News’ done?

The opinion program on Thursday included an item about alleged “racist”aggression by black people against white people. The program showed a collageof social media videos in which a black man repeatedly assaulted a white man.According to pointer -journalist Marieke Kuypers, who examined theimagestheviolence shown was not actually racially motivated.

In the item, presenter Raisa Blommestijn repeatedly used the n-word. She said,among other things: “You see whites being beaten up by n*gers – we see on alarge scale, by the way.”

Frederieke Leeflang, chairman of the central board of the public broadcaster(NPO) condemned the item on Friday. According to her, the limit of editorialfreedom had been reached “with regard to racist or discriminatory statements”.The joint broadcasters (minus ON and NOS) also came with a conviction. Theycalled the item “a false, racist message” which they collectively qualified as”unjournalistic, unethical and contrary to the core values ​​of the NPO”.Rabin Baldewsingh, National Coordinator Against Racism and Discrimination,said: “It was openly racist on national television.”

2 What does the NPO want to do about it?

NPO board chairman Leeflang does not officially deal with the content ofprograms, but she calls on two involved bodies to investigate the matter. TheMedia Authority (CvdM) can check whether ON violated the Media Act. It statesthat a public broadcaster must “prevent the offer of its media services frominciting violence or hatred against a group”.

Leeflang also called on the NPO ombudsman Margo Smit to check the item againstthe Journalistic Code of the public broadcaster. Smit can check whether ON hascontributed to ‘dissemination of demonstrably incorrect information’. ON bossArnold Karskens recently renamed his program originally intended to bejournalistic to an ‘opinion program’. However, they must also adhere to theCode, said Leeflang.

3 What happens after a possible negative judgement?

If the ombudsman or the CvdM were to rule that ON has violated the Media Actor the Code, Leeflang can fine the broadcaster a maximum of 540,000 euros (15percent of the annual budget of 3.6 million). What can be aggravating is thatthe broadcaster was also fined in June, of 93,000 euros, for violation of theCode. According to the ombudsman interviewed Unheard of News the guests toouncritical, causing the program to disseminate incorrect information withoutcontradiction.

After a second fine, Leeflang then reports to the government. After this,State Secretary Gunay Uslu (Media, D66) can decide to prematurely withdraw thefive-year temporary employment permit.

4 Can Ongehoord also be prosecuted?

Group insults and hate speech (public incitement to hatred and discriminationagainst a group because of race, religion, etc.) is punishable by law. If thisis done in a group and professionally, it acts as an aggravating circumstance.The n-word, as Blommestijn used it repeatedly, has been regarded as an insultby the judge in previous cases. In addition, Blommestijn used the word todistinguish a population group by skin color, and then to accuse it of massiveand aggravated assault. A judge can see this as unnecessarily offensive and asa group insult. Partly because the item had no further clear reason and seemedpurely intended to create a mood against black people, the judge could alsosee it as incitement to hatred.

5 Doesn’t this fall under free speech?

The relevant Articles 137C and 137D of the Criminal Code constitute a legallimitation of a fundamental right, freedom of expression. Not beingdiscriminated against is also a fundamental right. The judge must weigh thesetwo equal fundamental rights against each other.

You can argue that the offending item is allowed as part of the free socialdebate. Blommestijn acted as a presenter and could be regarded as a journalistor opinion maker. Like politicians, they have greater freedom to participatein the debate. But an opinion maker also has a greater responsibility: whatshe says carries more weight than what an ordinary citizen says. A publicfunction can therefore also be regarded as aggravating, as was apparent, forexample, in the conviction for group insult of Member of Parliament Wilders(PVV) in 2016.

First, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) still has to decide whether itwants to prosecute the people of ON at all. In the case of group insults andhate speech, the Public Prosecution Service is usually very reluctant to doso.

With the collaboration of Gilad Perez

Israel’s Real Promised Land? The orgy at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Jan-Peter de Graaff is a frequent composer. Last year, the world receivedseveral new works from him: the song cycle Parallax orchestral work Event-Horizon a cello concerto The Forest in April and Hammer and Tanz forpiano four hands and two percussionists. Now we have an oratorio: The GoldenCalf. It premiered on Friday on the occasion of the fortieth edition of theMusica Sacra festival in Maastricht.

Conductor Hans Leenders and actor Dries Vanhegen have to wait at least aminute after the choir and musicians have walked onto the stage and theapplause of encouragement has died down. As the choir begins to twirl theirthumbs, navel-gazing, the hall coughs louder and louder. Silence is painful,but it does give time for the program booklet: in the The Golden Calf DeGraaff and lyricist Jibbe Willems set about the exodus of the Israelites andMoses, who stayed on the mountain for so long that the people in good spiritsinvented their own god. They see a parallel with this time, when many people’have an obsession with nostalgia.’ “People are frantically going back to howthey think it used to be,” it says.


An oratorio is a musical work with a church story, usually sung by choir andsoloist roles, one of which is often a narrator, accompanied by an orchestra.Unlike opera, an oratorio usually has no staging or directing. A well-knownexample of an oratorio is the St Matthew Passion from Bach.

Eastern border

The Golden Calf lasts about half an hour and sounds from a chorus ofIsraelites from which solo voices occasionally sound, an actor who playsmonologues by Aaron (brother of Moses) and five strings, trumpet, alto oboeand percussion.

The silent minute is over: the music begins tensely with a ‘pling’ on thevibraphone, a fiddle up high and a wailing ‘wawwawwaw’ on the cello that turnsinto a mournful melody ending on an open C string, the lowest. The doublebass, meanwhile, is picking a slow march. Later, the blazers add a mysticalflavor.

Musically De Graaff has sought out the eastern border of Europe and keepsStravinsky close, that is quickly clear. But you also quickly feel that thereis more in it than is currently apparent. Perhaps it is the caution of themusicians of the South Netherlands Philharmonic (the percussionist inparticular has too little courage), but if only a nice full orchestra hadplayed here.

The Golden Calf appears to be a bit diffuse. There is music, but alsotheatre. There is a great story in which there is also a great allegory forthe present to be made clear. And there’s only half an hour left. The resultis that a lot of paint is still wet when another layer is applied. De Graaffsdoes not write simple straightforward music, you have to get into it, butbefore you get that far, Aäron interrupts with a theatrical monologue. Thesame applies to Aaron: before you are in the story, music is already playing.The distance between the two is sharpened because Aaron sounds loudlyamplified from speakers, and the choir and ensemble do not.


As if that multiplicity were not enough, a (minimal) directing for Aaron alonewas also sought. It’s uncomfortable to see Vanhegen turn away from theaudience because he has trouble taking off his blouse, only to portray adancing crowd on his own like a farmer with a toothache, clearly only 40%convinced himself. that this was a good idea.

Of course, strong pieces remain: for example how the Israelites we are nowwaiting / for someone to say / do this / do that / do this / do that sing, inwhich the last repetition sounds like church bells. the orgy ( we dance / wesing / we kiss / we drink / free ) on compelling Stravinsky-meets-Disneys-The little Mermaid -like music. Or the end, Aaron’s conclusion that Israelwas closest to the promised land during that orgy.

Finally, the Israelites repeat to Aaron: Thus we wander / to death / throughthe desert / but / the promised land / was that night / so damn near. Forexample, De Graaff and Willems send you out of the room at the last minutewith a big question: because if the Israelites thought so too, why in God’sname do they follow Moses?

Top crowds on Prime Video in a very good week

It ‘s been a pretty nice week on Prime Video packed with great movies. Wedive into the new offer!

Our Friend (2019)

Direction : Gabriela Cowperthwaite | cast : Dakota Johnson, CaseyAffleck, Jason Segel, Gwendoline Christie

Matthew Teague is happily married to 34-year-old Nicole. When Nicole is toldone day she has only six months to live, their world comes crashing down. Theydare not tell the bad news to their two daughters. However, they receiveunexpected support from their best friend Dane, who offers to live with thefamily as a buddy for a few weeks. But the weeks quickly turn into months.Based on the Esquire article of the same name written by the real MatthewTeague in 2015. A true story of unconditional friendship. Purchased ticketscannot be returned.

Last Seen Alive (2022)

Direction: Brian Goodman | cast : Gerard Butler, Dani Deette, Jaimie Alexander,Russell Hornsby

When Will (Gerard Butler) drives his (future) ex-wife Lisa (Jamie Alexander)to his in-laws’ house, she mysteriously disappears during a stop at a gasstation. In a desperate attempt to find her, Will calls in both the localpolice and Lisa’s parents. When Will suddenly becomes the prime suspecthimself, he takes matters into his own hands… Waidmannsdank (2020)

Direction: Daniel Prochaska | cast : Jutta Fastian, Pia Hierzegger, RobertStadlober, Hannes Flaschberger

From a small mountain village, most inhabitants have moved elsewhere. Theremaining residents all know each other and handle all matters amongthemselves. When a local hunter dies after a serious fall, police officersTreichel and Schober initially think of a tragic accident. But then it turnsout that the ladder had been tampered with.

Im Treasures of Fear (2019)

Direction: Till Endemann | cast : Julia Koschitz, Justus von Dohnanyi, AaronFriesz, Marie-Christine Friedrich

Psychiatrist Karla Eckhardt has to judge whether the well-known architectCarsten Spanger is mentally insane or not. He tied up a young woman in hisbasement where she was terrified. Karla Eckhardt diagnoses him with severenarcissistic personality disorder and soon suspects she has a veteran offenderin front of her. Could Spanger be a serial killer?

Son of the South (2020)

Direction: Barry Alexander Brown | cast : Lucas Till, Jim Klock, Michael Sirow,Jake Abel

A Klansman’s grandson comes of age in the south. In the summer of 1969, he istrapped in a place and time where he must choose which side he stands on. Hefights against social injustice, oppression and violence and transformshimself to help change the world around him. He eventually joins the CivilRights Movement.

Kobe: Una Storia Italiana (2022)

Direction : Jesus Garces Lambert |

Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest basketball players in history. He grew upin the Italian province surrounded by pasta, the countryside and footballcheers.

Goodnight Mommy (2022)

Direction: Matt Sobel | cast : Naomi Watts, Cameron Crovetti, Peter Hermann,Nicholas Crovetti

Twins Elias and Lucas welcome their mother home after a medical procedure.Because her face is still hidden during the healing, she is unrecognizable.When she also behaves differently than usual, the boys suspect that anotherperson has taken their mother’s place.

13:14. The Challenge of Helping (2022)

Direction: Santiago Fabregas | cast : Eugenio Derbez, Juanpa Zurita, Pambo, JérômeJarre

Juanpa Zurita is a young influencer who uses his platform to raise funds torebuild Ocuilan, a small town near Mexico City that was completely destroyedafter an earthquake at 1:14 PM on September 19, 2017. His intentions are good,but easy. is it not.

Streaming instead of linearly watching television: you save that much money | September Money Month

mining coLinear television viewing is increasingly a thing of the past. Adecoder is therefore no longer a must, because nowadays you can also watch TVonline or via an app. It is often perfectly possible to omit your decoder fromyour subscription, and that saves on your bill for internet and shows you what you can save.

By Felix Ferret, in collaboration with Mijntelco 19-09-22, 10:01

Latest update: 10:11

Telenet recorded about 50,000 fewer TV customers last year. Fewer and fewerpeople watch linear TV, but do so online via streaming when it suits them.Today, the various telecom players are trying to respond to this need byoffering online TV via an app as an alternative. In that case you no longerneed a decoder. If you opt for online TV via streaming, the choice of yourcorresponding internet subscription is important, and more specifically thespeed of your internet.

‘ Regular television’ or streaming: These are the main differences.

Limited number of channels

Especially for those who only watch a limited number of channels, watching TVonline is an interesting option. For example, Telenet and Orange now offer theoption of adding TV without a decoder to your subscription. Their bundles alsoinclude unlimited high-speed internet, which is a must for high-definitionstreaming on multiple devices at once.

In addition to the flexibility and the ability to watch different channels ondifferent devices at the same time, watching TV online offers otheradvantages. This way you can rewatch programs if you missed the start, andwatch recordings up to 60 days later, wherever and whenever you want.

Also watch: These are the 10 cheapest subscriptions for those who stream alot.


When it comes to internet speed, Orange is the undisputed frontrunner in thisstory. The Orange TV Lite package includes online TV and internet at speeds ofup to 400 Mbps. You can watch TV via the Orange TV Plus app, which youdownload on your smart TV or on another device. You can enjoy twenty channels,including the most popular Flemish and French-language channels.

For Orange TV Lite you pay 8.50 euros per month. By way of comparison: anyonewho adds TV to his package via a decoder pays 17 euros per month. Combine yourTV Lite with fast internet from Orange, which gives you internet speeds of upto 100 Mbps, and the monthly final amount for TV and internet is EUR 50.50.

Within many families, streaming is not only limited to online TV, movies andseries are also streamed, often on different devices at the same time. In thatcase, Orange TV Lite with super-fast internet is a better choice. For 59.50euros per month you can enjoy online TV and internet with speeds of up to 400Mbps.


Telenet also comes with an offer that allows you to watch television without adecoder. With TV flow, you can watch TV without a Telenet TV box, viastreaming. You then watch online TV on your smart TV or via the Telenet app onanother device. You can choose from fourteen Flemish channels.

For TV flow you do have to make a combination in your package with All-Internet from Telenet, with which you can enjoy unlimited internet at speedsof up to 300 Mbps. For All-Internet and TV flow together you pay 67.62 eurosper month. If you decide to watch TV with a decoder, you pay 87.12 euros permonth. If you use a decoder, high internet speeds are less important andTelenet’s Easy Internet is sufficient in most cases. You pay 60.85 per monthfor the Easy Internet and TV iconic package.


Today, Proximus also offers Pickx the option to watch TV wherever and wheneveryou want on your favorite device. Pickx is standard included in your Flexpack. It offers you one central platform for live TV with eighty channels,streaming, and movies and series on demand. A decoder remains included in yourpackage. For a Flex pack with unlimited surfing up to 100 Mbps you pay 63.99euros per month.