Eva Koreman is shocked by messages on social media: ‘Ranzig’

Eva Koreman has been sent ‘raunchy’ dick pics in the past. That is what the3FM DJ tells in the program The Most Dangerous Roads, where she travelsthrough the Spanish Picos de Europe with former footballer and trainer GertjanVerbeek. Koreman says she mainly receives annoying messages when she expressesher opinion on certain topics on social media.

Especially when she has said something that can be perceived as left-wing, shegets nasty reactions. “Then you are a left-wing cancer whore who has to beraped by refugees. I am really, really scared about that. I always thoughttolerance was a nice word and I was proud, because the Netherlands is atolerant country. But actually I want to live in an accepting country, awelcoming country, and not in a country that just tolerates people.”

Annoying reactions on social media

Verbeek also says in the program that he has received nasty messages. “In thecurrent time with social media you are sometimes taken down hard. Andespecially by anonymous people.” In the time that he was a trainer of FCTwente, he even received a bullet letter. “I received it in an envelope. Ihave not filed any charges, but he has been tracked down and has expressed hisregret.”

Verbeek never received extra security at home, but he did when he left the> stadium, when he worked as a trainer at FC Twente. “It was very distressing> for my family. My wife especially had a hard time with it. He got really> scared too. He started reading more and more on social media. I deliberately> do not do that out of self-protection.”

“I have to take a look at the marriage with 3FM again”

Koreman joined in The Most Dangerous Roads also on 3FM. “The biggest problemis that we are traditionally a youth channel. But young people no longer feellike listening to the radio. They are messing around on YouTube, Spotify andTikTok.” It also went wrong with the channel due to a sloppy policy. “Everytwo years a new person came, who started to pee over something and mixeverything up.”

However, it is not only the executives who are discussing a new identity forthe radio station. “We talk about that all the time. That can’t be any otherway if you love something so much. Sometimes I wish I had a little more shit.That I just come and make my program and worry a little less. I really need totake another look at the marriage I have with 3FM,” she tells Verbeek. “Thattakes some searching.”

The Concertgebouworkest kicks off 2023 with a compelling feast concert by composer Anna Clyne

Well, that’s a good start to the new year. The Concertgebouworkest kicks off2023 with a feast concert: a new clarinet concerto that can be included in thestandard repertoire, and a Wagner joke that brings the audience into ecstasy.

The British-American Anna Clyne has composed a new clarinet concerto forclarinetist Martin Fröst (artist in residence of the Concertgebouw Orchestra):Weathered. A warm-blooded dark, compelling piece full of exciting twists.Clyne wants to show five weathered elements as a metaphor for an earth in badshape: metal, heart, stone, wood and earth. ‘Metal’ opens with a chiming bim-bam-bim-bam theme on the metal tubular bells, reminiscent of the Dies Iraetheme in Berlioz’ Symphony Fantastic. ‘Wood’ with an ominous low diphthongon the wooden marimba. And so on, the instrumentation can be drawn logically.

Also read the interview with Anna Clyne: The heart of composer Anna Clyne isalso weathered

Totally exciting

Completely illogical yet astonishing are the clarinetistic delights that Frösthas to endure. His glissandos are totally thrilling: a long note can suddenlyaccelerate sharply into the sky, lie there for a while and then arc deep intothe earth. Beautiful are the pieces where Fröst echoes in the orchestra: atheme by Fröst can continue to echo for a long time, swinging like a pendulumbetween the flutes and the oboes. Clyne hardly writes melodies, but mostlyrising and falling lines, often over several octaves, kept unpredictable bysliding gaps. There is tension in the pleasantly falling klezmer-likechromaticism in Fröst’s lines; always a lowering, and always with an ominousbacking chorus of sliding bass instruments, so that your chair always sinkshalf a meter from under your buttocks.

For Fröst’s solo in the third part ‘Stone’, with growls, false air and thesoftest, most highly pulsating trills, so quickly by touching one valvealternately with several fingers, Fröst rightly receives applause betweenparts.

Conductor Jaap van Zweden, as chief of the New York Philharmonic and a regularin new music premieres, stands out by not standing out and lets Fröst and theorchestra shine.

Also read the interview with Martin Fröst: ‘ Music is the deepening ofexistence’

Short parts of 8 minutes

Striking artistic choice by Clyne: she deliberately kept the parts short;about eight minutes each, to consciously sail along with a pop music trend:making music based on the listening behavior of young people on streamingservices such as Spotify. Ergo: not too long. “I just want people to hear mymusic,” Clyne said in NRC. That sounds like a helpful boundary at best, alittle more pessimistic as a commercial restriction. But it works out justright: longer would have meant thinning out the tension. Fortunately, Clynestays far from neoclassical emptiness, another proven ingredient for successon Spotify.

The only thing you ask yourself afterwards: what has weathered about theseelements? Except for that Dies Irae reference that comes back in ‘Earth’, nowunmistakable, the elements actually sound quite hopeful. Mysterious andcinematically dark, definitely; the base is full of deep drones. But there isalways a high instrument fluttering above: Clyne has optimistically discovereddarkness. The wood will grow again, the heart is still full of wonderfulmemories and the rust spots on the metal can be polished away. Is it the KCOthat plays like a radiant heater, or is the earth now so miserable that musiccan only comfort?

‘Ecstatic screaming’

Especially the first company from Wagners Die Valkyrie is known and loved.Van Zweden keeps the brass somewhat short, the strings lose some of Clyne’swarmth, but soprano Anja Kampe, tenor Stuart Skelton and bass Kwangchul Younsing an excellent Sieglinde, Siegmund and Hunding. The roof will come offafterwards. A blazing lady shouts an excellent summary on the balcony: “Thereis only one man who has ever made me scream ecstatically and that is Wagner!”

Sunday performance can be heard (back) on NPO Klassiek (formerly Radio 4).An absolute must.


World premiere of ‘Weathered’, clarinet concerto by Anna Clyne by Martin Fröstand Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Jaap van Zweden. Heard: 5/1,Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Repetition: 6/1, 8/1. Inl: concertgebouworkest.nlConcert of 8/1 also on npoklassiek.nl


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A version of this article also appeared in the January 9, 2023 newspaper

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BV 24/7. Anouk Matton enjoys a giant ice cream and Junior Planckaert andPauline enjoy ‘James De Musical’ |Showbiz

Eva Koreman is shocked by messages on social media:’Ranzig’

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Veronica Superguide Score: ★★★★

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VRT big glutton, no Niels Destadsbader and HLN also has a chance: these are the nominees for the new ‘Kastaars!’ | TV

TVThe nominees for the ‘Kasaars!’ Are known. The new media awards, which willbe presented on 28 January, are divided into eight audience awards and threejury awards. VRT brands are best represented, Danira Boukhriss and Erik VanLooy each have three nominations, Niels Destadsbader, Koen Wauters and KarlVannieuwkerke are notable for their absence. HLN was also nominated twice, inthe categories ‘best podcast’ and ‘best online video series’.

LOOK. Luc Appermont expresses his reservations about media prices

Most popular “TV Show,” “Radio Show,” “Fiction Series,” “Personality,””Podcast,” “Online Series,” “TV Moment,” and “TV Contestant.” These are theeight public prizes awarded in the first edition of the ‘Kastaars’. Inaddition, a jury also awards three prizes for ‘breakthrough’, ‘career’ and akind of special ‘jury mention’. The number of VRT brands is striking in thatlist of 80 nominations. 38 of the 80 nominees are associated with publicbroadcasting, compared to 17 nominations for VTM brands, 16 for SBS and 9 forother brands. This difference is particularly noticeable in the categories’radio’ and ‘fiction’, which is logical because the public broadcaster hasmany more radio stations than the competition and has been specializing inhome-grown fiction for years.

Also noteworthy: in the list of most popular media personalities of the year,there is only one VTM face with Dina Tersago. Big guns like Niels Destadsbaderand Koen Wauters cannot be found. The former nevertheless presented the mostwatched program of 2022 with ‘The Masked Singer’, Wauters was not connected toa major program last year – apart from being a coach in ‘The Voice’. Anothernotable absentee from that list is Karl Vannieuwkerke. With programs such as’Villa Sporza’ and ‘Vive Le velo’ he mastered the busy sports year, but he didnot get a nomination. The names that appear most frequently in the list areErik Van Looy and Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis. They are both in the list ofthe most popular ‘media personality’, ‘TV participant’ and ‘TV moment’ of theyear.

(Read more below the photo.)

Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis and Erik Van Looy © Play4/RV

Like-tuned violins

The nominees have been determined by the research agency iVOX. “Twice a year -once after the TV spring and once after the TV autumn – they conducted asurvey among all layers of the Flemish population,” says Luc Appermont, whochairs a nine-member jury that includes Nora Gharib. , Goedele Liekens and TimVan Aelst. Appermont, winner of fourteen Golden Eyes in the not so distantpast, also says that he really believes in the new Flemish media awards. “Itis the very first time that all media groups have rallied behind such aninitiative,” it sounds. “In all previous awards, the collaboration alwaysjumped off the differences between the public and commercial broadcasters, butnow violins are finally aligned.”

The forerunner of the ‘Kastaars’, the Flemish television stars, died a quietdeath five years ago. The viewing figures of the ceremony – broadcastalternately by VTM and VRT and later also VIER – ebbed away, while the costsremained the same. The last Flemish television stars were awarded out of sightof the cameras in 2018 during a guest lecture in an auditorium of GhentUniversity.

Two editions

This time, all major media groups (DPG Media, VRT, SBS) are supporting theelection that will be broadcast simultaneously on 28 January on all major TVchannels, radio stations and online video and news platforms. According to theorganizers, the next two editions are already fixed, on Saturday 27 January2024 and Saturday 25 January 2025.

Discover all the nominees below, in random order. You can vote untilThursday 19 January via kastaars.be.

Television program of 2022

The masked singer (VTM) The smartest person in the world (Play4) The Mole (Play4) Down the road (One) Restaurant misunderstanding (One) Code of Coppens (VTM) Travel Waes (One) The Ideal World (Canvas) Taboo (One) James the Musical (Play4)

Media personality of 2022

James Cooke (SBS) Dieter Coppens (VRT) Fien Germijns (VRT) Erik Van Looy (SBS) Philippe Geubels (VRT) Gert Verhulst (SBS) Tom Waes (VRT) Danira Bouhkriss Terkessidis (VRT) Dina Tersago (VTM) Siska Schoeters (VRT)

Fiction Series of 2022

Thirties (One) Chantal (One) Uncles (Play4/Streamz) Home (One) Family (VTM) Under Fire (One) Undercover (One) The kotmadam (VTM) Déjà vu (Streamz) Two Summers (One)

Radio program of 2022

The Inspector (Radio2) Maarten & Dorothee (Qmusic) The morning (Studio Brussels) Sophie’s world (Radio 1) Sven & Anke (Joe) Radio2 hit mix with Anja Daems (Radio2) The timeless (Studio Brussels) Raf & Rani (Joe) Generation M (MNM) Kawtar & Keyaert (MNM)

Online video series of 2022

Dany’s Choice (HLN) Average Rob The Smartest 20 (GoPlay) Behind the mask (VTM GO) Camille – Welcome to my life (VTM GO) #BelRiadh (VRT NWS) Roomies (VRT MAX) Security Checkers (VTM GO ) 2DESIT (Streamz) Victor vs Francesco (GoPlay)

Podcast of 2022

The Crown Witnesses (HLN) The Very Last Witnesses (HLN) Björn in the USA (VRT NWS) Nerdland weekly overview with Lieven Scheire (Qmusic) Lotte goes deep (MNM) The voices of assizes (Het Nieuwsblad) The ten most googled questions (Qmusic) Merry misers (Het Nieuwsblad) The Legend of Zillion (Studio Brussels) Welcome to the AA

Contestant of 2022

Princess Delphine in Dancing with the Stars (Play4) Bart Cannaerts in The smartest person in the world (Play4) The Cast of Restaurant Misunderstanding (One) Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis in The smartest person in the world (Play4) Miss Poes Camille Dhont in The Masked Singer (VTM) Brecht & Dziubi in Married Blind (VTM) Radish Erik Van Looy in The Masked Singer (VTM) Tom Waes as a doorman in Those were the Days (VRT MAX) The moms from Caring for mom (One) Foster mother Ingrid in Taxi Joris (Canvas)

Media moment of 2022

Unexpected turn: Philippe leaves De mol (Play4) Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis wins The smartest person in the world (Play4) The unmasking of Conner Rousseau in The Masked Singer (VTM) The hottest week (VRT) Viv and Lowie break up in tears in Home (One) Farewell to memé Clara in Château Planckaert (One) The Radio 1 session with Arno (Radio 1) After years, Erik Van Looy sees The Village People cowboy in James the musical(Play4) Caroline wants to quit Bought Blind because she’s not happy with a milliondollar house (Play4) Satte madammen from The ideal world laughing with FC De Kampioenen (Canvas)

La logística de los pilotos con movilidad reducida en el Dakar | Deportes

Allí nació su proyecto para volver con garantías a la prueba: un cojíninteligente que vaya moviendo y activando el área durante la competición.“Necesitamos siete años para desarrollar el producto, fue fascinante”.Llovera, que lleva compitiendo con vehículos de todo tipo desde 1987, tiene unaparato similar, aunque no tan sofisticado. Después de convertirse en eldeportista más joven de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sarajevo en 1984, una caída unaño más tarde en la Copa de Europa de esquí le postró en silla de ruedas.Desde entonces ha desarrollado el grueso de su trayectoria en el mundo delmotor. Otro asunto, más peliagudo, son los accidents: “Debes salir en menos deseis segundos. Se puede conseguir, pero es que a cualquiera le cuesta. A mí seme han incendiado tres coches de competición. En una ocasión, fui yo quiensacó al copiloto, que tenía la clavícula rota. Abrí la puerta, lo agarré y loiba a tirar para afuera cuando llegaron dos chavales. Les dije que le ayudarana él y yo me senté en la barra y me dejé caer para atrás. Despues ya te

VRT big glutton, not Niels Destadsbader or Koen Wauters: these are the nominees for the new media awards ‘Kastaars!’ | TV

TVThe nominees for the ‘Kasaars!’ Are known. The new media awards, which willbe presented on 28 January, are divided into eight audience awards and threejury awards. VRT brands are best represented, Danira Boukhriss and Erik VanLooy each have three nominations, Niels Destadsbader, Koen Wauters and KarlVannieuwkerke are notable for their absence. HLN was also nominated twice, inthe categories ‘best podcast’ and ‘best online video series’.

LOOK. Luc Appermont expresses his reservations about media prices

Most popular “TV Show,” “Radio Show,” “Fiction Series,” “Personality,””Podcast,” “Online Series,” “TV Moment,” and “TV Contestant.” These are theeight public prizes awarded in the first edition of the ‘Kastaars’. Inaddition, a jury also awards three prizes for ‘breakthrough’, ‘career’ and akind of special ‘jury mention’. The number of VRT brands is striking in thatlist of 80 nominations. 38 of the 80 nominees are associated with publicbroadcasting, compared to 17 nominations for VTM brands, 16 for SBS and 9 forother brands. This difference is particularly noticeable in the categories’radio’ and ‘fiction’, which is logical because the public broadcaster hasmany more radio stations than the competition and has been specializing inhome-grown fiction for years.

Also noteworthy: in the list of most popular media personalities of the year,there is only one VTM face with Dina Tersago. Big guns like Niels Destadsbaderand Koen Wauters cannot be found. The former nevertheless presented the mostwatched program of 2022 with ‘The Masked Singer’, Wauters was not connected toa major program last year – apart from being a coach in ‘The Voice’. Anothernotable absentee from that list is Karl Vannieuwkerke. With programs such as’Villa Sporza’ and ‘Vive Le velo’ he mastered the busy sports year, but he didnot get a nomination. The names that appear most frequently in the list areErik Van Looy and Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis. They are both in the list ofthe most popular ‘media personality’, ‘TV participant’ and ‘TV moment’ of theyear.

(Read more below the photo.)

Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis and Erik Van Looy © Play4/RV

Like-tuned violins

The nominees have been determined by the research agency iVOX. “Twice a year -once after the TV spring and once after the TV autumn – they conducted asurvey among all layers of the Flemish population,” says Luc Appermont, whochairs a nine-member jury that includes Nora Gharib. , Goedele Liekens and TimVan Aelst. Appermont, winner of fourteen Golden Eyes in the not so distantpast, also says that he really believes in the new Flemish media awards. “Itis the very first time that all media groups have rallied behind such aninitiative,” it sounds. “In all previous awards, the collaboration alwaysjumped off the differences between the public and commercial broadcasters, butnow violins are finally aligned.”

The forerunner of the ‘Kastaars’, the Flemish television stars, died a quietdeath five years ago. The viewing figures of the ceremony – broadcastalternately by VTM and VRT and later also VIER – ebbed away, while the costsremained the same. The last Flemish television stars were awarded out of sightof the cameras in 2018 during a guest lecture in an auditorium of GhentUniversity.

Two editions

This time, all major media groups (DPG Media, VRT, SBS) are supporting theelection that will be broadcast simultaneously on 28 January on all major TVchannels, radio stations and online video and news platforms. According to theorganizers, the next two editions are already fixed, on Saturday 27 January2024 and Saturday 25 January 2025.

Siempre es futbol | Deportes

Me acordé del campo torcido cuando Carlo Ancelotti dijo en rueda de prensadespués del partido de Copa del Rey ante el Cacereño eso de “para mí, esto noes fútbol, ​​es otro deporte”. Si jugar en un campo en malas condiciones no esfútbol, ​​el fútbol quedaría automáticamente invalidado como deporte. Seriacomo el meme de Homer Simpson entrando con bigote y sombrero de copa en elbar de Moe y diciendo: “Yo no soy fútbol, ​​soy el deporte incógnito”.

El Real Madrid sin españoles: el culmen de la globalización | Deportes

El documento en el que el Real Madrid tiene grabados sus valores reza: “Launiversalidad del Real Madrid no entiende de razas, ideologías, culturas,religiones, formas de pensar, lugar de procedencia o condición social. Un RealMadrid universal es un Real Madrid global, multicultural”. Esta declaración deprincipios llegó a su culmen este sábado cuando el equipo blanco saltó alcésped de La Cerámica con un once sin un solo jugador español por primera vezen su historia. La globalización extrema del equipo ha sido un proceso de añosen el que los jugadores nacionales han ido perdiendo peso. Hoy en día,Carvajal es el único que tiene un puesto fijo en el once y ante su baja,Ancelotti decidió confiar en Militão en lugar de Lucas Vázquez, logrando unhito para el club. La paradoja la redondeó el Villarreal: derrotó a losblancos con goles de Yeremi Pino y Gerard Moreno, dos españoles.

Valerio Zeno is back on TV after years: ‘Didn’t miss the spotlights’ | Media

Valerio Zeno is back on television. After five years out of the spotlight, hewill make his return on Monday as the presenter of a new series Real girls inthe jungle. In conversation with NU.nl, Zeno tells what he has done in recentyears and why he was no longer seen on TV.

“I’ve seen my phone explode before,” says Zeno. “For example, when DennisStorm and I during guinea pigs eat each other’s flesh. But when it becameknown that I real girl s was going to present… I never got so many messagesbefore.”

For fifteen years Zeno was a regular face on television. He started his careerin the night program 6 pack , then switched to music channel TMF and wasthen active for BNNVARA for almost ten years. There he presented programs suchas You will have it, Dennis vs Valerio and Over my dead body. In 2018 hesaid goodbye to BNNVARA.

It was reported in the media that Zeno had been fired from BNNVARA. Not true,says the presenter now. “At BNNVARA I enjoyed working for nine years. I neatlyfinished my contract. And then I suddenly read that I was fired. Or that I nolonger wanted to have anything to do with the TV world, or that I wanted tofocus on my DJ career.”

All of that has never been the case. “When my contract with BNNVARA expiredafter nine years, I thought: I’m going to do nothing for a year.” Still, newprojects came his way, such as making a podcast and a Videoland series aboutsneakers (his great hobby).

The presenter was therefore busy and did not miss the attention he receivedduring his BNNVARA time. “I’ve been working in the TV world since I wasseventeen and it’s been going on since then,” says Zeno. “I actually likedhaving it a bit quieter. If something comes along, that’s nice, but I’m notthe type to grab everything out of panic. I don’t go on game shows or moviepremieres to get into the picture to come.”

Valerio tussen de kandidates van Echte meisjes in de jungle.

Foto: RTL

‘I’m not necessarily a jungle boy’

From Monday we will see Zeno again weekly on television, because then the gameshow will start Real girls in the jungle. Twelve female contestants, allknown from the reality or influencer world, compete in a series of games inthe jungle of Laos.

The program was also shown between 2011 and 2013, with Britt Dekker, amongothers, as the winner. Gaby Blaaser, Michella Kox and Janice Blok are amongthe participants this year.

Zeno says that the program makers immediately thought of him when they decidedthat the program would return. “They already saw that I was chasing thosegirls with my snow-white sneakers. That also seemed like a funny idea to me:I’m not necessarily a jungle boy.”

As a presenter, Zeno keeps the contestants in line and explains the rules ofgames. “I’m known for not talking fast and the candidates have a 20-secondattention span, so that was another challenge.”

The presenter himself is not competitive at all. “When I play a game, I don’tcare who wins. Those girls, on the other hand: when the game starts, they getblack in the eyes. They do everything to win. Their talent is to open themeshes of the game during the game. looking up the law. I loved them allequally.”

Tastes Real girls to the next season? “I have to say, three weeks in thejungle is really long. I don’t think I’ve ever been abroad that long. But Icertainly wouldn’t have wanted to miss it.”