Mundial de Qatar: El tiempo y el fútbol | Deportes

¡Venga, venga, vamos!, les grito. ¡Que perdemos el bus! Y mientras les observocalzarse y ponerse las chaquetas con urgencia en el recibidor, recuerdo laanterior final, la de 2018. La vi con el mayor, que entonces tenía la edad delpequeño, en un camping en Alcossebre, rodeados de cientos de franceses. Caídaesa primera ficha de dominó, from las demás y mi memoria acude el 7-1 deAlemania a Brasil en 2014, cuando el pequeño estaba formándose en el vientrede su madre y yo no podía gritar de incredulidad ante lo que estaba viendo,como me pedía el cuerpo, porque el mayor dormía en su cuna. Recuerdo tambiénel gol de Iniesta en 2010 y busco en la memoria a mis hijos, pero no losencuentro. Ahi hay un vacio. Tardo unos instantes en comprender que aún nohabían nacido, que ninguno de estos dos soles me iluminaba entonces, que tuvevida antes de ellos.

Los futboleros medimos la vida en mundiales. Yo llevo once a mis espaldas.Once conscientes, porque en 1978 tenía solo tres años. No se cuántos mequedan, pero no me obsessiona eso. Sí, sin embargo, si los compartiré con mishijos. Hay un dicho que reza: vida con niños, días largos, años cortos. Conlos pequeños en casa de pronto el tiempo se ha acelerado. And 2026 el mayortendrá 16 años. ¿Quedará el 3 de julio de 2026 con sus colegas para ver lafinal que se jugará en Nueva Jersey? ¡El tiempo vuela!, ha dicho. No sabe aque velocidad.

Cuando montan en el bus y me despiden con la mano, pienso que daría todo porpoder parar el tiempo. Vivir estos días una y otra vez, en un eterno retorno.El bus marcha. Me quedo solo en la parada. Observando el autocar desapareceren la distancia, me doy ánimos. Recuerdo que alguien dijo que la verdaderafelicidad se alcanza en el despliegue de la rutina y me digo que, en lorelativo a fútbol, ​​en eso nosotros tenemos suerte: nuestro día a día esrojiblanco, del Athletic Club.

Ajedrez: Magnus Carlsen: quince coronas y dos miedos | Actualidad del Ajedrez

El miedo a perder un duelo por el título requiere una aclaración importante.De su recente conversación con el youtuber Lex Fridman y sus entrevistas conEL PAÍS desde que tenía 16 años se deduce que no teme a la derrota en sí, sinoa sufrirla ante alguien que él considera claramente inferior. O sea, a todossus rivales en los cinco duelos disputados, excepto el estadounidense FabianoCaruana en Londres, 2018: “Yo no estaba en mi mejor forma y él sí. Esoigualaba muchísimo la pelea, lo que se tradujo en doce empates en las partidaslentas y mi victoria en el desempate rápido. Si hubiera perdido aquel duelo,no habría sido el fin del mundo. Pero en los otros cuatro me considerabaclaramente superior en ese momento”.

El noruego se refiere a los dos contra el indio Viswanathan Anand en Chennai(India, 2013) y Sochi (Rusia, 2014), el de diciembre de 2021 con el ruso IanNiepómniashi en Dubái (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) y, sobre todo, el de 2016 enNueva York frente al también ruso Serguéi Kariakin, donde sufrió muchísimo.Después de siete partidas en tablas, el campeón se excedió en su ansia porganar y perdió la 8ª. Esa noche se emborrachó con todo su equipo: “Es la únicavez que lo he hecho como terapia, y funcionó. Gané una y empaté tres en lascuatro siguientes, y luego me impuse con claridad en el desempate rápido”.

Tras derrotar a Niepómniashi en Dubái, Carlsen anunció que solo defendería eltítulo en 2023 si el vencedor del Torneo de Candidatos fuese el francés deorigen iraní Alireza Firouzja, de 19 años ahora, a quien él considera unfenómeno excepcional, a su altura; un reto muy motivador. Pero Firouzja acusósu falta de experiencia y no ganó el Torneo de Candidatos, que se disputó enMadrid hace seis meses. El vencedor fue otra vez Niepómniashi, nadaestimulante para Carlsen, quien anunció su renuncia al título a pesar de quela Federación Internacional (FIDE) cedió mucho en la negociación y ofreció loque él viene pidiendo desde 2018: acelerar el ritmo de las partidas; que sejueguen, por ejemplo, 24 en dos semanas (con días de descanso), a dos porjornada. De modo que el ruso disputará el título contra el chino Liren Ding, aquien el todavía campeón considera “ligeramente favorito”.

Carlsen, durante la ceremonia de clausura de los Mundiales de Rápidas yRelámpago, el pasado viernes, en AlmatyAnna Schourman/FIDE

Hay otro motivo adicional que espanta a Carlsen: la preparación (técnica,física y psicológica) implica varios meses en los que se acuesta y se levantapensando en una sola persona, a la que debe machacar en un boxeo mental. Esoes totalmente distinto a los Mundiales de Rápidas, que ha ganado cuatro veces:2014, 2015, 2019 y 2022. O Relámpago, de los que tiene seis medallas de oro:2009, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 y 2022. Ambas modalidades son agotadoras encuanto a la tensión nerviosa, pero las dos consecutivas solo duran cinco días,y para prepararlas basta con pocas semanas. Volviendo al ajedrez clásico,Carlsen disfruta mucho más de los torneos (ha ganado 31 de los másimportantes), generalmente por sistema de liga entre diez o doce jugadores:“Si fracaso, pronto habrá otro para resarcirme. Pero si pierdo el títulomundial, tardaría años en recuperarlo”.

Además, la preparación de los torneos no requiere de largas concentracionescon su equipo de analistas, como los duelos por el título. El escandinavo huyecomo gato escaldado de cualquier sistema de entrenamiento con horarios rígidosy planificados. Esa es la principal razón por la que, en 2010, su trabajo conGari Kaspárov como entrenador, contratado por el padre de Carlsen, duró menosde un año: “Lo que yo buscaba era acceder al cerebro de uno de los mejoresajedrecistas de la histories. Y aprendí mucho de él, sobre todo en laspartidas amistosas que jugamos. Pero pretendía imponerme un régimen estricto,poco menos que militar, que yo siempre he rechazado”, suele explicar elnoruego. Aunque matiza: “Yo estoy pensando en ajedrez, y analizandomentalmente una posición, casi todas las horas de casi todos los días, inclusocuando estoy caminando o esquiando o comiendo, pero sin horarios”.

Carlsen no ha dicho ni una palabra en las últimas semanas sobre otro asuntoque sin duda debe preocuparle: la demanda que el estadounidense Hans Niemannha presentado en un juzgado del estado de Misuri por más de 400 millones dedólares por “difamación, libelo, violación de la ley antimonopolio,conspiración civil e interferencia torticera”. Es decir, por haberle acusadosin pruebas de hacer trampas en la partida que Niemann ganó a Carlsen el 4 deseptiembre en la Copa Sinquefield de San Luis (Misuri). La lógica indica queuna centésima parte de esa cantidad ya sería una compensación razonable, queCarlsen podría afrontar sin grandes problemas porque se estima que gana unosdos millones cada año por término medio, sumados premios, patrocinios y otroscontratos. Pero lo que un juez o un jurado de EEUU puedan decidir esimprevisible.

“Mi punto más débil es el control de las emociones”, dijo Carlsen a esteperiódico el 5 de diciembre de 2016 en Nueva York, tras la victoria sobreKariakin. Y todo indica que el pasado 4 de septiembre no las controló. Por elcontrario, parece que sí lo hace cuando quiere evitar los sufrimientos queacarrea un duelo por el título frente a rivales que, por ahora, no le motivan.Lo que sí le estimula es la perspectiva de batir una marca de Kaspárov queroza lo imposible: ser el number one durante veinte años consecutivos(1985-2005). Para lograrlo, Carlsen debe seguir siendo el mejor ocho años más,hasta los 40. ¿Conservará tanto tiempo la energía física y la motivaciónnecesarias para alcanzar ese Everest? Lograrlo y disfrutar de la vida almismo tiempo parecen objetivos difícilmente compatibles. Sobre todo siañadimos otro que Carlsen se ha marcado: pasar de los 2,900 puntos en la listamundial, equiparable a saltar más de diez metros en longitud. Quizá demasiadopara un hedonista, aunque sea genial.

Por qué a Cristiano nunca le llamaron ‘blanco de mierda’ | Deportes

Vinicius estuvo después del partido Valladolid-Real Madrid en casi todos lostitulares de los medios. Como sujeto active. Los primeros and Google News:“Vinicius denuncia”, “Vinicius acusa”, “Vinicius señala”, “Vinicius carga”,“Vinicius estalla”. Como si fuese cosa suya. La razón, pública e inobjetable,es que el jugador negro del Real Madrid sufrió insultos racistas una vez máspor parte de aficionados contrarios. Al salir del campo, Vinicus se quejó enInstagram de que los racistas seguían en los estadios y LaLiga continuaba sinhacer nada. “Al final, la culpa es mía”, remataba. La culpa no, pero losverbos de los titulares son suyos: no es una forma de culpabilizarlo, pero síde crear un marco propicio para que se le culpe. Acusa, carga, estalla.

Hay muchos argumentos más sibilinamente ignorantes que racists en acusar aVinicius de que se le insulte. Uno de ellos es su actitud o su juego, que alparecer ofende. “¿Por qué no reciben insultos racists Rudiger, Alaba oMendy?”, se preguntan muchos para justificar el odio a Vini. ¿Por qué aCristiano Ronaldo, que tantas simpatías despertaba en los estadios a los queiba, nunca le llamaron “blanco de mierda”? ¿Por qué cuando un jugador negro dela selección inglesa (o francesa, recientemente) tira un penalti se expone aldoble de condena que si lo tira un blanco en caso de fallarlo? ¿Por qué cuandoun racista se cruza con un imbécil negro en lo primero que repara, parainsultarlo, no es en su imbecilidad, sino en el color de su piel?

Hace un mes se produjo una noticia impactante en relación a Vinicius. Erareferida a los canticos que le dedicaron semanas antes al delantero en elderby del Real contra el Atlético, cánticos que provocaron una denuncia(varios cientos de ultras atléticos cantando antes del partido “eres un mono,Vinicius eres un mono”) del Movimiento contra la Intolerance. La FiscalíaProvincial de Madrid archivó esa denuncia. Como siempre, lo interesante delarchivo fue su argumentación. Los cánticos fueron “desagradables”,“inapropiados” e “irrespetuosos”, pero se produjeron en el marco de un partidode fútbol “de máxima rivalidad” junto con otras alusiones “despectivas” o“burlonas” marcadas “por esa competencia deportiva”. Los cánticos no sevolvieron a producir más que en dos ocasiones (¿una medalla?) “y duraron unossegundos”. “¿Alguien que asesina se tira dos horas apuñalando? ¿O dosminutos?”, le dijo Esteban Ibarra, presidente del Movimiento contra laIntolerancia el Racismo y la Xenofobia, a Eleonora Giovio en este periódico.

Que la Fiscalía incluya los cánticos racists con otras alusiones “despectivas”o “burlonas” demuestra que todavía hay alguien ahí dentro que no se haenterado de nada. Que no sabe que nada tiene que ver con que te llamen “mono”al peor insulto salido de la cabeza de un aficionado verborreico, entre otrasrazones porque lo segundo no dejaría de ser un insulto y, lo primero, purodiscurso de odio. Había una razón más que esgrimió la Fiscalía: efectivamente,los ultras cantaron “eres un mono, Vinicius eres un mono”, pero no se pudoreconcer a ninguna de las personas que realizaron los canticos, “al tratarsede un número considerable de personas las allí congregadas”. Quiere decir esoque si alguna vez un neo-Nazi quiere llamar mono a un negro, debe juntar adoscientos para cantarlo a la vez. Por dos razones: para estar seguro de quelo ha escuchado, y para que nadie lo acuse de nada. Y si ponen el cronómetropara no pasarse del tiempo estipulado por la Fiscalía, mejor.

Real Madrid: Ancelotti reclama más pico y pala en defensa | Deportes

Antes y después del Mundial, con la racha inicial de 16 partidos invicto ytras las primeras curvas de resultados, el entrenador blanco no ha dejado dealertar sobre los problemas del escudo de protección del equipo. Casi siempre,por iniciativa propia, sin necesidad de que nadie le apretara y usandoargumentos muy parecidos. “La llave del éxito de la pasada campaña fue ladefensa. En los últimos tiempos, hemos perdido algunos duelos y el equipo nosiempre está compacto”, advirtió en octubre, cuando aún no había perdido. “Nosfaltó la contundencia del rival y concentración en duelos individuales”, sequejó con el rapapolvo de Vallecas (3-2), en los días previos a que 13 de susjugadores se marcharan a Qatar. “Hemos marcado muchos goles y hemos defendidomenos bien que la temporada anterior. And la segunda parte [del curso] hay quehacerlo mejor”, reclamó Carletto ya en su primera rueda de prensa post Doha,antes de viajar a Pucela. Un día después, con el triunfo asegurado, insistió

Emery logra con el Aston Villa su tercer triunfo en cuatro jornadas y genera un incendio en el feudo del Tottenham | Deportes

El impacto de Unai Emery en el Aston Villa se consolidate: con el triunfo(0-2) en casa del Tottenham para abrir 2023 en la Premier, suma tres victoriasen cuatro jornadas, las mismas que había logrado Steven Gerrard al frente delequipo en las trece primeras citas de la Premier. La escalada en la tabla lesitúa ahora casi a la misma distancia del descenso (siete puntos) que deEuropa (nueve), de una quinta plaza en la que se queda el Tottenham, que en elregreso tras el Mundial acumula desastres porque no sólo suma un punto de seisposibles sino que le ha dado continuidad a una estadística calamitosa. “Nuncame había pasado nada igual”, advierte el técnico Antonio Conte, que ya no sabequé tecla tocar para que su equipo no encaje el primer gol en sus partidos.And los diez últimos, siete de ellos en la Premier, ha tenido que manejarsecon esa losa. Y la gente ya esta harta. A mediados de octubre los Spursestaban empatados a puntos con el City ya cuatro de un Arsenal que sumaba 27de 30 puntos. Hoy estan a trece. Un desastre que generó un incendio en elespléndido estadio londinense asaltado por el Villa. Buena parte de losaficionados locales se marcharon antes del final y el presidente David Levyfue severamente increpado.


Lloris, Cristian Romero, Ben Davies, Clement Lenglet, Yves Bissouma (PapeSarr, min. 80), Perisic (D. Spence, min. 88), Matt Doherty (Emerson, min. 80),Hojbjerg (Oliver Skipp, min. 88), Bryan Gil Salvatierra (Ryan Sessegnon, min.62), Kane y Heung-Min Son



Robin Olsen, Ezri Konsa Ngoyo (Ings, min. 82), Ashley Young, Digne, TyroneMings, Boubacar Kamara, Douglas Luiz (Bednarek, min. 81), McGinn (Coutinho,min. 77), Emi Buendía (Chambers, min. . 81), Leon Bailey (Matthew Cash, min.65) and Ollie Watkins

Goles 0-1 min 49: Emi Buendia. 0-2 min 73: Douglas Luiz.

Arbitro John Brooks

Tarjetas amarillas Cristian Romero (min. 28), Clement Lenglet (min. 31), BenDavies (min. 36), Tyrone Mings (min. 56), Yves Bissouma (min. 58), Ezri KonsaNgoyo (min. 66) y Chambers (min. 92)

El Tottenham se gastó el pasado verano 170 millones de euros y Conte habló muyclaro tras el partido: “No tenemos muchos jugadores creativos”. Ni siquieralas ausencias puntuales de Bentancur, Kukusevski y Richarlison disculpan lascarencias. Emery busco esa veta. El Villa se plegó durante toda la primeraparte, se juntó bien por dentro, donde no concedió espacios mientras elTottenham se empeñó en buscarlos, con los laterales abiertos y extremos comoBryan Gil, que disfrutaba de su primera titularidad en el equipo, con misionesand terrenos interiores. El talento de Barbate, un especialista en el unocontra uno, jugó como quien lo hace con un pie atado a la espalda. El Villa nose corto. Olvidó el ataque, colocó la línea cuatro sobre la frontal y reforzólos laterales con sus extremos para armar un 6-2-2. El Tottenham encallo.

New Year’s Eve conference Claudia de Breij lags behind The Masked Singer | with 1.6 million viewers show

Claudia de Breij had to lose out to the RTL 4 program The Masked Singer. With1.7 million viewers last night, the New Year’s Eve special of the suit paradewas slightly better viewed than De Breij’s New Year’s Eve conference. Thecomedian attracted 1.6 million viewers to NPO 1.

Only one program received better viewing on the last night of the year, andthat’s it National Countdown on NPO 1, according to figures from theStichting Kijkonderzoek. More than 2.5 million households tuned in to it. OnNew Year’s Eve we also liked to watch Guido Weijers’ New Year’s Eve conferenceon RTL 4 (more than 1.4 million viewers) and the Eight Hour Journal (1.3million viewers). Mindf*ck the New Year’s Eve special by illusionist VictorMids, is in seventh place of the most watched programs with 1,222,000 viewers.

In 2021, the viewing figures battle between Peter Pannekoek, who was thenallowed to provide the New Year’s Eve conference, and also The MaskedSinger. Pannekoek narrowly won with 1,958,000 viewers, compared to 1,925,000viewers for The Masked Singer.

This time won The Masked Singer however: RTL’s hit show attracted 1,695,000viewers, almost 100,000 more than the 1,596,000 for Claudia de Breij’s NewYear’s Eve conference on NPO 1.

Least viewed

Singer Jim Bakkum made an impression last night as ‘the snowman’. ‘In my headvoice, well, I don’t sing in that very often. So hoppa, I got snow, got tosing a beautiful song and we went for it. I just didn’t see a damn thing, butthat couldn’t spoil the fun either,’ he looks back on Instagram.

Claudia de Breij is the day after ‘more brazen than in ages’. ‘But slowlybelieving that it worked! What a night, what a party, what a team.’ Despitethe rave reviews, it became the least watched conference of the comedian,which ended the year twice earlier. In 2016 it attracted 2.1 million visitors,in 2019 there were 1.8 million. De Breij also lags behind in the list of bestviewed New Year’s Eve conferences. In the past ten years, only Marc-MarieHuijbregts has been viewed less than De Breij’s 2022 conference.

Viewing figures New Year ‘s Eve conference last 10 years 2022: Claudia de Breij: 1.6 million 2021: Peter Pannekoek: 2.0 million 2020: Youp van ‘t Hek: 2.7 million 2019: Claudia de Breij: 1.8 million 2018: Marc-Marie Huijbregts: 1.5 million 2017: Youp van ‘t Hek: 2.6 million 2016: Claudia de Breij: 2.1 million 2015: Herman Finkers: 3 million 2014: Youp van ‘t Hek: 2.4 million 2013: Theo Maassen: 1.7 million

(Source: KijkOnderzoek Foundation)

Read our review of Claudia de Breij ‘s New Year’s Eve conference here: ‘Thebeginning of Claudia de Breij’s New Year’s Eve conference can’t be missed, butthe end is amazing’.

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7 promising series that will turn 2023 into a binge-watch year

2023 promises to be a fantastic year for series lovers. The major streamingservices all come with new series that you can binge. We highlight sevenpromising series for you.

For example, you can enjoy existing series that continue with a new season,but also some brand new series for which expectations are high.

Promising series that will appear in 2023

At the top of the series list is a terrifying Playstation video game thatappears as a series on HBO Max.

1. The Last of Us – HBO Max (January 15, 2023)

The utterly creepy Playstation video game The Last of Us will appear as aseries on HBO Max in January 2023. Joel and Ellie travel together through apost-apocalyptic America, facing brutal conditions and unscrupulous killers.

2. Avatar: The Last Airbender – Netflix (sometime in 2023)

The real avatar is coming to Netflix. We are of course talking about Aangand his friends who we know from the popular animated series Avatar: The LastAirbender. Netflix is ​​reviving the series with real actors, just as thestreaming service already did with Cowboy Pop.

3. The Witcher Season 3 – Netflix (Summer 2023)

the witcher, new james bond, henrycavillHenryCavill as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher (Image: Netflix)

The third and final season where we can enjoy Henry Cavil in The Witcher.Hopefully his successor Liam Hemsworth will deliver just as wonderful aportrayal of the character when he takes over.

4. The Mandalorian Season 3 – Disney+ (February 2023)

We’re also gearing up for a brand new season of the hit Star Wars series TheMandalorians. Season 2 ended with a bang when a young Luke Skywalker rescuedMando and his little friend Grogu from Moff Gideon. Skywalker took young Groguto train him in the ways of the Force. (Anyone who _The Book of Boba Fett_seen, knows better by now.)

5. Ted Lasso Season 3 – Apple TV+ (sometime in 2023)

Nice gift: Apple is giving away Netflix killer for freeagainTedLasso (Image: Apple)

The American who uses his unorthodox techniques to lead an English footballclub to the top? Yes, Ted Lasso is a true enrichment for the English PremierLeague and is going full steam ahead again in season 3.

6. Three Body Problem – Netflix (sometime in 2023)

Three Body Problem, netflix, promising series2023Three Body Problem (Image: Netflix)

Eyes are also on a brand new Netflix series involving writers David Benioffand DB Weiss. These men were responsible for the hit series Game of Thrones.The expectations for Three Body Problem are therefore highly stressed. Justlike with GOT, this is a book adaptation. Three Body Problem is a sciencefiction novel written by Chinese writer Liu Cixin. The title refers to thethree-body problem in orbital mechanics.

7. Only Murders in the Building season 3 – Disney+ (sometime in 2023)

Selena GomezDisney+OnlyMurders In The Building (Image: Disney+)

Streaming service HULU will also be heard in 2023 when it comes to series.With the third season of Only Murders in the Building we once again enjoystar performances from Steve Martin, Selena Gomez and Martin Short. The castwill be expanded in season 3 with new regular members and guest appearances.

the 20 series we are most looking forward to in 2023

For lovers of good series, 2022 was a year of plenty and bloodshot eyes and2023 seems to be no less in that respect. Twenty titles that we are alreadylooking forward to.

Stephen WerbrouckFriday December 30, 20224:30 pm

Reservations Dogs – Season 2 (4/1, Disney+)

Reservation Dogs season 2Image Disney

DRAMEDY The best-kept secret on Disney+ – on all streaming services, infact – is this comedy-drama series about some young rascals growing up on arural indigenous reservation in Oklahoma. The first season, from 2019, wasexcellent, the second may be even better: it was already available in the US afew months ago and Rolling Stone recently named season two the best series of2022.

The Lying Life of Adults (4/1, Netflix)

The Lying Life of Adults ImageNetflix

The Lying Life of AdultsImage Netflix

DRAMA For fans of ‘My Brilliant Friend’, Netflix brings another novel fromin this Italian original Elena Ferrante to life: ‘The Lying Life ofAdults’, in which a girl in Naples goes in search of an aunt she would verymuch resemble and gradually uncovers a lot of family secrets.

Copenhagen Cowboy (5/1, Netflix)

Copenhagen Cowboy PictureNetflix

Copenhague CowboyImage Netflix

DRAMA Nicholas Winding Refn (‘Drive’, ‘Only God Forgives’) Netflix gota nice budget and all the neon lights he could want for ‘Copenhagen Cowboy’, acrime drama about a woman with supposed otherworldly powers who takes revengeon those who wronged her.

The Rig (6/1, Prime Video)

Martin Compston The Rig Imagerv

Martin Compston The RigImage rv

DRAMA Workers on a drilling platform must fear for their lives when itturns out that they have awakened something strange on the ocean floor. Itsounds a bit like “Alien on the high seas” but protagonist Martin Compston(‘Vigil’, ‘Line of Duty’) usually guarantees quality.

Koala Man (9/1, Disney+)

Koala Man StatueRV

Koala ManImage rv

ANIMATION After ‘Rick & Morty’ and ‘Solar Opposites’ brings JustinRolland a third animated series on the screen: ‘Koala Man’, in which anordinary Australian thinks he has to protect his neighborhood against allsorts of disasters. Of Hugh Jackman in a supporting role as ‘Big Greg’,the would-be superhero’s neighbor.

Welcome to Chippendales (11/1, Disney+)

Welcome to Chippendales - ImageHULU

Welcome to Chippendales -Picture HULU

DRAMA Many a documentary has already been made about the turbulent historyof the Chippendales, drenched in drugs, booze and oil, Disney + has now alsopoured everything into a miniseries. Of Kumail Nanjiani if SomenBenerjee the Indian immigrant who gave birth to the male comic group.

The Last of Us (16/1, Streamz)

Last of Us ImageHBO

Last of UsPicture HBO

HORROR Movie adaptations of games, usually you jump SuperMario-wise betterwith a wide berth. But HBO took a chance anyway with “The Last of Us,” the2013 hit in which a smuggler and a teenage girl must travel through adevastated America. Craig Mazin the man behind ‘Chernobyl’ wrote thescreenplay, Pedro Pascal (‘Narcos’, ‘The Mandalorian’) and BellaRamsey play the leading role and what we could already see of it wascertainly impressive. The first topper of 2023? That chance is high.

1985 (22/1, One and VRTMAX)

1985 ImageVRT

1985Image VRT

DRAMA It is strange that it has taken so long, but the attacks of theBende van Nijvel finally form the backdrop for a TV series: ‘1985’, aboutthree friends who each in their own way become involved in what is going on inBelgium. set in the dark 1980s. Not an obvious series for a Sunday evening,but let’s face it: a thousand times better this than ‘GR5’.

Extraordinary (25/1, Disney+)

Extraordinary PictureDisney

ExtraordinaryImage Disney

COMEDY Ten years ago, anyone over the age of 18 was given a superpower.Except for Jen, who at 25 is still waiting for her talent. She teams up withher friends to discover what would be her superpower in this inventive comedythat uses the clichés of the genre for a story about growing up and coming ofage.

Shrinking (27/1, AppleTV+)

Shrinking ImageApple

ShrinkingPicture Apple

COMEDY Harrison Ford there is 80 but he doesn’t know how to stop. In2023 he can be seen for the fifth time as Indiana Jones in ‘Indiana Jones andthe Dial of Destiny’ and he will also play the leading role for the first timein a comedy series on TV: ‘Shrinking’, about a therapist who experiences hisown grief. processed by telling his patients what he really thinks about themand thus achieving more results. A painful but ultimately heartwarming comedyfrom the creators of ‘Ted Lasso’? You should already be in your sofa.

Dear Edward (3/2, AppleTV+)

Dear Edward PictureApple

Dear EdwardPicture Apple

DRAMA Young Edward Adler is the only survivor of a plane crash and triesto get through the grieving process along with the relatives of the otherpassengers. It sounds very corny but screenwriter Jason Katims has alreadysufficiently proven with ‘Friday Night Lights’, ‘Parenthood’ and ‘As we seeit’ that he can move without becoming sentimental.

Hello, Tomorrow (17/2, AppleTV+)

Hello, Tomorrow ImageApple

Hello TomorrowPicture Apple

SCIENCE FICTION A group of advertising guys is trying to sell a veryspecial product: a piece of the moon, which you can visit via ‘timeshare’. Butis star salesman Jack’s unwavering faith in the future justified? The firstimages promise a kind of ‘Mad Men’ that takes place in the future.

Fleishman Is in Trouble (22/2, Disney+)

Fleishman Is in Trouble Imagerv

Fleishman Is in TroubleImage rv

DRAMEDY At 41, recently divorced Toby Fleischman has to venture back intothe dating market, but that has of course changed completely since he gotmarried. A satire about how boring middle-aged life is, as funny as it is sad.With, inter alia Jesse Eisenberg , Claire Danes and Adam Brody.

Succession – Season 4 (April, Streamz)

Succession Season 4 ImageStreamz

succession season 4Image Streamz

DRAMA Is Tom Wambsgans still allowed inside the house after he betrayedhis wife so grandiosely to her father? We’ll get the answer to these and otherpressing questions sometime in April when the brilliant ‘Succession’ will hitour screens again. We especially look forward to hearing the piano tune fromthe generic again, so that we can finally get the opening tune of ‘The WhiteLotus’ out of our heads

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (May, Netflix)

Bridgerton PictureNetflix

BridgertonImage Netflix

DRAMA Netflix hit ‘Bridgerton’ normally returns this spring with a thirdseason, but for those who can’t get enough of the longing looks and therustling skirts, the streaming service will also launch a first spin-off inMay: ‘Queen Charlotte’, in which you can see how the queen came to the thronewith the ever skeptical look.

Déjà-Vu – Season 2 (Spring, Streamz)

Deja Vu ImageStreamz

Deja VuImage Streamz

DRAMA The first season of ‘Déjà-Vu’ was based on a far-fetched concept -can you go back in time and get your own life and the lives of others back ontrack? – a very moving and human drama. Wondering if that will also work inseries two with a new cast and a different story: this time Halim ( YassineOuaich ) the love of his life Eva ( Lauren Versnick ) again, by goingback to the period when everything was still okay.

The Idol (Spring, Streamz)

The Idol ImageHBO

The IdolPicture HBO

DRAMA A young pop star ( Lily Rose Depp ) who has lost his way in lifefalls under the spell of a sinister self-help guru, played by The Weeknd. Thesinger came up with ‘The Idol’ together with Sam Levinson the man behind’Euphoria’, and judging by the trailers that HBO already shared, this seriescontains even more sex, drugs and filth than that series. Not that there ‘sanything wrong with that.

The Power (Spring, Prime Video)

THRILLER One day, all teenage girls in the world are capable ofelectrocuting other people in a jiffy. And what’s more: they soon find outthat they can pass on their gift to older women, so that a little later thefemale half of the planet has electricity at its fingertips. It sounds far-fetched – and like the ultimate nightmare of Andrew Tate or JeffHoeyberghs – but ‘The Power’ has no Tony Collette a big name in the leadrole and is based on the award-winning book of the same name, that authorNaomi Alderman itself in a series of gutter.

Masters of the air (fall, AppleTV+)

DRAMA Thirteen years after ‘The Pacific’ and – god we’re getting old – 22years after ‘Band of Brothers’ come Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanksfinally come up with a mini-series about the Second World War: ‘Masters of theair’, about some pilots of the US Air Force. Sorry Canvas, but this is theonly thing about WW2 that we really want to see in 2023.

Kaos (Fall, Netflix)

FANTASY Greek and Roman mythology, but viewed through a modern lens, withstories about how equality between men and women or the oppression ofminorities also play a role in the world of the gods. ‘Kaos’ – with JeffGoldblum as Zeus – has already been delayed a few times, but this autumn thelong-awaited series should come from Olympus anyway.

Classics, big guns and a German suggestion: the ultimate TV tips to start the new year

Sven de Leijer looks back on 2022 with special guests. On New Year’s Eve theyare Charlotte Vandermeersch, Steven Van Herreweghe and Kawtar Ehlalouch.Hostess and jury in the chalet are Soe Nsuki with Jan Peumans, Jeroen Meus,Gloria Monserez, Erik Van Looy, Fatma Taspinar, Aster Nzeyimana, Ann Wauters,Jelle De Beule and Hannelore Knuts.

Home alone, VTM, 8.30 pm

Part two of the comedy classic. Kevin’s family celebrates Christmas inFlorida, but the youngest member of the family makes a mistake on a plane andends up in New York. There he is forced and, yes, all alone to spend the nightin a hotel. The two burglars Harry and Marv are also present.

Kamal Kharmach: May I have a minute?, One, 9:15 p.m

In his year-end conference, Kharmach looks back on 2022, an eventful year withwar, crisis and monkey pox. The stand-up comedian fillets the most high-profile events.

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Kamal Kharmach fillets 2022 in his year-end conference. — © DBA

Q-Pop, VTM, 10.50 pm

You can start the new year dancing on VTM with Q-Pop: the party was recordedat the end of November in the Sportpaleis, with performances by Bazart, KrisKross Amsterdam, Regi, Jaap Reesema, Metejoor, Camille, Tom Grennan, Suzan &Freek, among others and Pommelien Thijs.

Ennio, Canvas, 9:30 p.m

A line of music is also possible with Ennio, a documentary about the eventfullife of film composer Ennio Morricone. He provided the unforgettablesoundtracks for movies like The good, the bad and the ugly, Once upon a timein the West and The untouchables. Striking: the Italian was long ashamed ofthe fact that he wrote film music.

30 Greatest Moments: Adele, One, 10:20 p.m

On One it is Adele who provides the musical note with the 30 most memorablemoments of her career. Based on interviews with people who know herpersonally, the viewer gets a glimpse of her personality and life.

Camille live in the Lotto Arena, VTM, 00.20 am

For those who can’t get enough of Camille: VTM broadcasts her show in theLotto Arena in full. So sing along, with hits like Firework and Diamond.

Before the bomb falls, Play4, 11:50 p.m

Pedro Elias presents this satirical end of year quiz. Was 2022 one to rememberor quickly forget? Five BVs look for the answer in four (repeat) episodes.

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Camille live in the Lotto Arena, her full show can be seen on VTM.

Camille live in the Lotto Arena, her full show can be seen on VTM.


New Year’s Concert, One, 11:15 a.m

Morning stood has gold in its mouth, after the winter images, One comes with alive broadcast of the New Year’s concert from the Golden Hall of theMusikverein in Vienna. A prestigious musical event, led this year by FranzWelser-Möst.

World Darts Championship 2023, VTM 2, 1.30 pm

For fans of the sport: VTM 2 reports live from the Alexandra Palace in Londonon the World Darts Championship.

The story of Flanders, One, 8.05 pm

One immediately pulls out their biggest guns at the start of the new year. TomWaes takes the viewer on a journey through Flemish history, and in the firstepisode that goes straight to prehistory.

READ ALSO. Tom Waes teaches us in ‘The story of Flanders’: “What historyteaches us? That we are big jerks” (+)

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Tom Waes takes the viewer on a journey through Flemish history

Tom Waes takes the viewer on a journey through Flemish history — © GuillaumeVan Laethem

Dinosaurs: The final day with David Attenborough, Canvas, 8:10 p.m

The new year never starts badly when it’s with the legendary DavidAttenborough. In the wild area of ​​North Dakota, he and a team of scientistsexamine rare fossils that may point to the catastrophe that took place onEarth 66 million years ago.

Jan Jaap van der Wal – III-ieme, Play4, 8.55 pm

Start the new year with a smile with the Dutch stand-up comedian. III-ieme isthe last part of the trilogy next The new Belgian and Clean.


The Claus FamilyVTM, Friday 30 December at 8.35 pm

The Claus Family is so successful that the third film of the story is now ahuge hit on Netflix. The first film, released in 2020, can already be seen onFriday evening. A nice Christmas story for the youngest and also greatentertainment for the rest of the family, partly due to the strong cast withJan Decleir, Stefaan Degand, René Soutendijk and the ever-popular PommelienThijs. The sequels are now also available on Netflix.

Willkommen 2023, ZDF, 8.15 pm

If you want to see phenomenal fireworks, ZDF may be the best place to be. Theannual New Year’s report may be German, but at the same time it is of aninternational caliber. The live show at the iconic Brandenburger Tor in Berlinis full of spectacle and brings famous guests to the stage such as Scorpions,Malik Harris and DJ BoBo.

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Surprise: if you want to see fireworks on TV, ZDF may be the best place

Surprise: if you want to see fireworks on TV, ZDF may be the best place — ©REUTERS

True crime Belgium: Little John, from December 31 on Streamz

For those who don’t have to be all jingle bells and fireworks, but true crime:this two-part documentary looks back at the murder of the Vietnamese Thi XuanNguyen. Five years ago, hunters found the body of the young woman in Geluwe,West Flanders, on New Year’s Eve. It soon became clear that she was violentlykilled, but the case kept Belgian investigators busy for two years. EventuallyJohn Vandoolaeghe, a man from Ypres, comes into view.

READ ALSO. Barely two hours in our country and already murdered: how a youngfather brought his mistress to Flanders to kill her (+)

Live to lead, from December 31 on Netflix

Their own high-profile documentary will only be online for a few weeks beforeHarry and Meghan launch a new project on Netflix. This time they are not inthe spotlight, but seven important figures who – according to Harry – “shapethe world with their actions”. They include: climate activist Greta Thunberg,anti-apartheid activist Albie Sachs and New Zealand Prime Minister JacindaArdern. Former US Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is also featured, she wasinterviewed just before her death two years ago.

These are the eleven participants in the new season B&B full of love | show

791,000 viewers saw last night how Art Rooijakkers introduced the newparticipants of the new season B &B full of love. Dutch bed and breakfastowners, spread across Europe and this season also outside Europe, hope to findlove in the popular RTL 4 show. These are the eleven participants.

Walter (54) – France

After working in the business world for 35 years, Walter has sold his thrivingfamily business, RTL reports in the press release about the proposal show. Hewas ready for change and more depth in his life. Last year he bought hisFrench paradise in the beautiful nature of the Correze, where he has created aplace where people can meet and come to themselves, according to the channel.

His interest in, among other things, energies, family constellations andtantra started twenty years ago. There he gained insights that made him lookat life differently. Walter offers space for healings and workshops, but youcan also contact him for an energetic massage or a creative course. Walterhopes to meet an open-minded woman who is interested in spirituality and who,like him, has both feet on the ground.

Marian (68) – Portugal

Marian is a self-made woman who, after a lifetime of hard work, now enjoys alife under the Portuguese sun. She is a ‘top and bottom hostess’ who likes towelcome her guests to her luxurious villa, writes RTL. Marian has been livingin the Algarve for 35 years. She set up a successful real estate company andhelped many people find beautiful homes in Portugal.

Marian is an ‘active lady’ who regularly hits a ball on the adjacent golfcourse. She likes to end a day on ‘the green’ with a glass of white. For her,animals are number one. Her chihuahua Amy goes everywhere with her. Marian isa real bon vivant and sitting still is not in her vocabulary. She is lookingfor a Burgundian man who is still active and full of initiative in life.

Marian. ©Blue Circle

Joy (25) – Spain

Joy is an ambitious and creative boy, according to RTL. At 25 years old, he isworking hard to build an empire in Malaga, Spain. Joy spent his childhoodmainly in Bali. A youth that was all about freedom and independence. At theage of 20 he left for Spain on his own to refurbish his father’s dilapidatedand abandoned holiday home. He fell in love with the house and the area anddecided to build a new life there. A major renovation of a few years followed,which he largely did himself.

He has now created his own special place on ‘his mountain’ MountJoy and livesin complete freedom. Entrepreneurship is in his blood, writes RTL. In additionto running his B&B, he builds and sells campers. He has a great drive toalways be busy and to start new businesses. Joy is looking for a woman who isloving, caring and can go along with his plans and ideas. A lady who, justlike him, likes to go on an adventure!

Joy.Joy. ©Blue Circle

Debbie (62) – Spain

The flamboyant Debbie turned her life around in 2005 when she moved with herfamily to Catalonia, Spain. The former television producer realized the lossof two girlfriends that life can just be over. Away from that cold frogcountry, on to warm Spain. She bought an old farmhouse from 1600 in SantAndreu del Terri with her then husband and two children. It is a tasteful,colorful place with gypsy wagons where guests can also stay.

Last year she also transformed a nearby building into a beautiful place andwith this extension of her B&B Debbie is as proud as a peacock. Debbie doesn’tlike to sit still and is always brimming with ideas; in addition to her B&B,she organizes yoga retreats and events for her guests. Debbie gives her lifean A, yet she knows that with someone by her side it is more complete andcozy. She is looking for a tough ‘cheerful’ who is optimistic and likes fun.

debbie.debbie. ©Blue Circle

Martin (47) – Thailand

Martijn from Rotterdam has always felt a great love for Thailand because ofthe many holidays he spent there, reports RTL. When he got the chance to takeover a guest house with an accompanying restaurant four years ago, his choicewas quickly made. A big step, but Martijn is proud of his special place with aDutch touch. Dutch people can have fun in his guest house: croquettes andfrikandellen are served, the Dutch holidays are celebrated and Hazes echoesfrom the speakers on a pleasant evening.

The past few years have been all about building his business and there waslittle room for love. And although the cheerful Martijn has completely foundhis place in his beloved Thailand, he would like to see a pleasant woman byhis side. Martijn likes fun, likes to make people happy and thinks humor isimportant. This is what he hopes to find in his search for love.

Martin.Martin. ©Blue Circle

Corine (54) – France

The down-to-earth Corine left for Lubersac this year to pursue her Frenchdream. Together with her packs of huskies and wolfdogs, she moved into a placesurrounded by forests and hills. Corine loves the outdoors. She goes out everymorning with the dogs and she also likes to be busy in the garden. Corine ishandy and likes to do odd jobs in her B&B. She especially enjoys decoratingthe rooms.

Although she manages well on her own, she misses the warmth and cozinessaround her, writes RTL. She is looking for a man who, like her, loves natureand odd jobs. Corine likes the type of rough husk blank kernel. She wouldrather see her husband walking around with a chainsaw than with a cleaningcloth. Corine is caring, spontaneous and energetic. She hopes that her husbandhas a heart for dogs, but above all knows how to make her heart beat faster.

Corine.Corine. ©Blue Circle

Milu (30) – Portugal

Thirty-year-old Milu had long dreamed of buying a holiday home in Portugal.Portugal feels like coming home to her; she lived there for the first twoyears of her life and then moved back to the Netherlands with her mother.Portugal never stopped nagging and two years ago her dream came true; Miluthen bought her B&B. A ruin that she transformed into an attractive holidayhome.

In addition to her holiday home, Milu has a glamping tent in the garden thatshe is refurbishing and will also rent out. In addition to her B&B activities,Milu works as a real estate agent in the Algarve. A job that is made for her.Milu is socially strong, ambitious and personal growth is important to her,according to RTL. Her family plays a big role in her life. She has a strongbond with her mother, who is also her neighbour. Milu is looking for a manwith his own ambitions and someone who occasionally gives her backlash.

Milu.Milu. ©Blue Circle

Bram (30) – Sweden

In 2021, the energetic, enthusiastic and spontaneous Bram left for Sweden tofulfill his childhood dream, life on a farm. He is now the proud owner of hisself-sufficient farm where he also receives guests. He has his own vegetablegarden and prefers to be found in nature. Bram is artistic, loves to traveland musically and likes to pick up his guitar in his spare time, the channelknows.

He easily gets to know new people and likes to be surrounded by his friends.He has everything on track and now has room in his life for a girlfriend. Hehopes to meet a lady who, like him, is interested in permaculture and self-sufficiency. Someone who knows how to get things done, loves a goodconversation and is sweet.

Bram.Bram. ©Blue Circle

Leendert (68) – Belgium

After a career as a successful entrepreneur, it was time for Leendert to lookbeyond the border and find peace. He longed for a dream spot on the water witha lovely garden in beautiful nature. When he came across an old water mill inthe middle of the Belgian Ardennes, he fell in love immediately. The previousresident ran a B&B and Leendert liked this so much that he decided to continuerunning the B&B.

After all, hospitality is in him and he enjoys taking care of his guests.Leendert thinks it’s important to stay fit. He likes to take his dog for awalk and regularly hits a ball on the tennis court. In addition, Leendert is amusic lover; he often sits at his piano and plays classical music all daylong. Leendert is always up for a cultural activity and he hopes that hisfuture wife will share this interest with him. He is looking for a sporty andpositive lady who shares his passion for the B&B. A woman with whom he wantsto make dreams come true.

Leendert.Leendert. ©Blue Circle

Michael (50) – France

In 2016, Michiel decided to change his life and move south. He bought an oldfarmhouse that he transformed into a group accommodation. Michiel is certainlyhandy and he can spend hours working on technology and building. He is alsoonly too happy to be found in his enormous garden where he regularly lightsthe pizza oven. Michiel is social, young at heart and enjoys a goodconversation with a glass of wine, RTL reports.

Eight years ago, Michiel discovered that he is not only interested in women,but also in men. A discovery that taught him a lot about himself. Nowadays hegoes through life as bisexual and although he has not had real relationshipswith men so far, he is open to this. His call for love is thus addressed toboth men and women. Michiel feels liberated since his discovery. He is lookingfor an independent partner (m/f) with a good sense of humor and who likesspontaneous actions.