A quarter to half of young people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss | NOW-explained

Researchers estimate that a quarter to half of all young people (12-34 yearsold) in the world are at risk of hearing loss. That’s because they turn theirmusic up too loud and go out in places where the sound is too loud.

Researchers at the University of South Carolina wanted to know how many youngpeople (12-34 years old) listen to music that is too loud. They sifted through33 studies, in which a total of 19,046 people had participated. Itinvestigated how loud young people turn up their sound, and how often theycome into loud clubs and cafes.

Young people especially vulnerable

They calculated that 18 to 29% of young people regularly listen to music thatis too loud. And that almost half goes out in places where the sound is muchtoo loud. They estimate that between 665 million and 1.35 billion young peopleare at risk of hearing loss, out of 2.8 billion young people (12-34 years old)in the world.

In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) also estimated that more than abillion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to their listeninghabits. According to the WHO, young people are particularly vulnerable tothis.

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“Young people often listen to music that is too loud through their EarPods,and also for too long,” explains Wil Verschoor. She is director of StichtingHoormij/NVVS. “But going out and events also play an important role.” It cancause hearing loss, or tinnitus, or both.

“Hearing loss means that you hear worse,” says Verschoor. Tinnitus is anotherform of hearing loss. With tinnitus, the cilia in your ear are damaged. Theysend no or wrong signals to your brain, so that you hear sound that is notthere. “That could be the sound of a gently murmuring brook, but also of afighter jet that continuously races through your head. It can drive youcrazy,” says Verschoor.

Not good numbers

It is not exactly known how many Dutch people suffer from hearing loss andtinnitus, says Saskia Kloet of SafetyNL. “It is not systematicallyinvestigated in the Netherlands.” The definitions also often differ, she says.According to the latest research by Safety NL, 1.2 million people over fortyhave a hearing loss of at least 35 decibels.

Estimates of people with tinnitus range from 1 to 2.5 million people. “We doknow from research that children also suffer hearing damage. And that there isa relationship with listening to music through earphones.” Reason for concern,says Safety NL. “Especially when you know that hearing damage is piling up.”

One loud bang

According to Verschoor, you can already suffer hearing damage after one loudbang, for example from a fireworks bomb. But it can also accumulate if you arein the noise too often or for too long. “It cannot be cured yet,” saysVerschoor. “So you have to learn to live with it.” Cognitive therapies anddiscussion groups with peers exist for this purpose.

So you better prevent it. “You do this by limiting the number of decibels andby not turning on the sound too often,” says Verschoor. In the Netherlands,the maximum noise level is 103 decibels per quarter. “You can already sufferhearing damage from 80 decibels,” says Verschoor. That’s why earplugs are soimportant. “Simple earplugs help somewhat, but not enough. It is best to buycustom earplugs.”

Stefan (27) has a noise in his ears.

Photo: Stads/Pixs4Profs

Stefan: “I have a noise in both ears, but in one a little more. It sounds likea signal is lost on such an old TV. It started about five years ago at a partyin the pub, where the sound was very loud. The stupid thing was that I hadearplugs, but they were forgotten. I was too lazy to cycle home to get them. Iwent to bed with a ringing and a ringing in my ears.”

“When that noise had not disappeared after two days, I panicked a bit. But Idid nothing, because I knew it could not be solved. I was also ashamed,because it is your own fault.”

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Sleep with the radio

“Although I have a mild variant, I am working on it every day. I hear itespecially when it is quiet. When I go to sleep I have to turn on my radio andthat also wakes me up. Furthermore, I think in everything I do : is thispossible? For example, I will not drive with the window open. And in thecinema I do not sit too close to the speakers, because I want to prevent itfrom getting worse. “

“I now have custom earplugs and wear them on my key ring so I can never forgetthem. If the music is too loud somewhere, I sometimes walk outside to give myears a break. Fortunately, I can now open them talk about it. I even made twofilms about it. This is how I try to do my bit and warn people.”

This way you prevent hearing damage

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