Viewers melt from Erna and André in Heel Holland Bakt

Bakers ready? Bake! The new episode of All of Holland bakes last night wasall about caramel. But viewers had mostly eye for the friendship that seemsto arise between presenter André van Duin and baker Erna.

“Can Erna and André make a program together? What a wonderful duo,” writes aviewer on Twitter.

Sweet, sweeter, sweetest in Heel Holland Bakt

In the All of Holland bakes kitchen, the bakers have to put three sweets onthe table this week to prove themselves. No Van Gogh artworks this time, but aFrench tarte tatin, a technical assignment with toffee and a croquembouche asicing on the cake.

Bakker and social worker Erna explains to Van Duin how she will approach theFrench tarte tatin. “I’m going to make a kind of syrup with ginger andpineapple. And then I will also make caramel”, Erna begins. “And you put thatcaramel on the paper?” asks Van Duin doubtfully, looking at the paper in thepan. “Yes, I was planning to. But now that you ask that question I get a senseof; well, it can also be done without paper”, laughs Erna. “Is that right?”Van Duin admits that he has indeed never seen making caramel on paper.

In the end, Erna manages to put a nice tarte tatin on the table. Only she hasforgotten the sugar in the accompanying whipped cream… “Well then I think Idon’t have to,” laughs presenter Janny van der Heijden. But she still takes abite together with Van Duin and Robèrt van Beckhoven. Unfortunately for Erna,the three are not very impressed with her tarte tatin and the spicy whippedcream.

Babblers prove to be a major challenge

In the other two assignments Erna also fails to rise above the other bakers.For the technical assignment, the bakers have to make babblers. Something thatsounds simple, but turns out to be quite difficult. Erna gets stressed severaltimes while making the babblers, especially when her babbler dough resembles a”muscle”. “Oh no, this can’t be! I’m really at the bottom of the list”, Ernasighs with a laugh. “I am becoming a toffee myself.”

Erna is not the only one who finds making the babblers difficult. “What amess”, baker Jan sighs. “Ben, do you have any tips?” he asks hopefully. Co-baker Ben has to laugh, but doesn’t immediately give a tip. To Jan’sdisappointment: „Competition huh? Then you immediately know what the situationis.” Fortunately for him, Ben eventually rushes over to give Jan a helpinghand.

About the end result of all babblers is the All of Holland bakes jury notsatisfied. Unfortunately for Jan and Erna, the help they received is notenough: they end up with their babblers in second to last and last place.Bakker Geraldine goes there after the first baking day of this one All ofHolland bakes episode took first place.

Croquembouche the last challenge of the day

For the last assignment, the bakers have to make a croquembouche (a chouxtower). After that, the day starts already stressed: “It was very difficultfor me to get to sleep. I had a lot of adrenaline, but then I fell asleep likea log. Until suddenly I felt a kiss on my cheek. That turned out to be myhusband, who woke me up because I had to go back to work,” she explains.Because Erna also dangles at the bottom of the list, the pressure is evengreater. Fortunately, Van Duin is there to support her.

Our André is so much more than just a great presenter!> 💙#HHB>>> — Heel Holland Bakes (@heelhollandbakt) January 8,> 2023

The other bakers are also nervous. After all, it is the last assignment of theday and certainly not the easiest. Mercedes explains how the cake collapsedwhen she went to try this at home. “Now I have to do it, while it hasn’tworked out at all at home,” she laughs nervously. Making the croquembouche isalso not easy, Van Beckhoven explains. “It is a stacked choux tower withcrunchy caramel profiteroles. They must have a light filling, because you mustbe able to stack them. Sounds simple huh? That’s not it.”

Erna her Heel Holland Bakt adventure is coming to an end

Just like last week, baker Zineb stands out above the other bakers. The juryis most impressed by her croquembouche. “The taste is very special. Welldone”, Van Beckhoven compliments her. It is therefore no surprise to manyviewers that Zineb is appearing in this for the second time All of Hollandbakes season as Master Baker.

Unfortunately for Erna it holds All of Holland bakes adventure on. “I knewit. It’s good this way”, Erna responds, who fortunately can still laugh afterthe bad news. “I enjoyed it immensely.” Erna says goodbye to all jury membersand gives Van Duin a big hug. “You really are a great guy,” she laughs. Ernaalso reveals a secret: “I signed up to see you.” Van Duin bursts intolaughter. “Then you could have just called!” One thing is certain: the All ofHolland bakes viewers love this duo.

Can Erna join Andre and Janny in a next season Thinking of Holland?> #heelhollandbakt> #hhb>>> — Anne (@Anne_deR) January 8,> 2023

I’m dying about Erna and André 🤣🤣🤣>> Erna: “Naan eat everything, don’t Naan that’s gross!”>> André: “Well…. leave that to the jury…”>> Erna: “Can I give you a hug?”>> What a bunch dude..great> TV#heelhollandbakt> #hhb>> — Ken_je_mij (@wiebenikdan_) January 8,> 2023

Erna to André: “yes I signed up for you, I wanted to see you.”>> André: “yes, but then you can just call me?”>> Love that man! Just stayed that> way!❤️#heelhollandbakt> #hhb>> — Ken_je_mij (@wiebenikdan_) January 8,> 2023

Erna to André: ‘You are even sweeter than I thought.’>> If only the whole world were like All of Holland Bakes.> #heelhollandbakt> #hhb>> — Marjolijn van de Gender (@marjolijnvdg) January 8,> 2023

I think this is where a friendship started.> #hhb> #heelhollandbakt>>> — ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕪 💙💛 (@ceedee75) January 8,> 2023

Fortunately, Erna doesn’t have to make the journey home alone. When she shootsthe last bit in front of the camera, her husband appears behind her. With abunch of flowers.

Yeah Zineb master baker!>> Unfortunately we say goodbye to our favorite chaoot; After.>> Fortunately, her husband was ready again! With> flowers!❤️#heelhollandbakt> #hhb>>> — Ken_je_mij (@wiebenikdan_) January 8,> 2023

Erna’s husband is waiting outside the tent every day with a bunch of flowers> because he thinks she is going to leave.>> Can he tutor all the other men in the world?> #heelhollandbakt> #hhb>> — Marjolijn van de Gender (@marjolijnvdg) January 8,> 2023

You can watch all of Holland Bakt again via NPO Start.