More than 1.3 million viewers see daredevil Bertha turn down a bid of 314,000 euros | show

Million dollar huntWith an offer of 314,000 euros in _Million dollar hunt_many people would have gone home satisfied, but the 61-year-old Bertha couldnot resist the temptation last night and let herself be carried away foranother round. Her courage was rewarded: she left for home in front of morethan 1.3 million viewers with almost half a million euros. “I’m so happy withthis,” she exclaimed.

In the third episode of the new season of Million dollar hunt last night,61-year-old Bertha stood behind the well-known desk next to Linda de Mol.Unlike many candidates who preceded her, she chose for no reason a briefcase,number 26. Prize money would be more than welcome: Bertha wanted to pay offher daughter’s student debt of 12,000 euros. De Mol asked whether she also hadsomething in mind for herself if she would win a nice amount. A new kitchenwould be nice, but Bertha had one dream that made her eyes twinkle. ,,A camperseems great to me.”

And so Bertha, who accompanies young people with dementia in daily life,started playing with the suitcases in good spirits. The first round didn’t gotoo well for her. For example, 500,000 euros fell off, but the 2.5 millioneuros also disappeared from the list. The first offer from the bank wastherefore not very exciting: 47,000 euros. Bertha didn’t mind.


The second round went a lot better. ,,What a top round, he was great’, De Molexulted, as she summed up the amounts in the right row. Another bid followed,this time for 99,000 euros, but Bertha didn’t like that either. Once again,briefcases with favorable low amounts were played away and the 5 million wasstill present, but Bertha remained sober. “We’re not there yet”, she respondedto the enthusiastic De Mol.

The game progressed and there were fewer and fewer briefcases left. The bankcame up with an attractive offer of 314,000 euros. This caused Bertha to havedoubts: to stop or to continue? Her daughter, a friend and much of theaudience advised Bertha to stop, but her curiosity won out in the end. “Let’stry it”, she took the gamble.

Bertha then played the 1 million away, but the 5 million stunner was still inone of the briefcases. The bank responded to this, because Bertha received anoffer of 488,000 euros. That was when she chose eggs for her money. “Deal,”she exclaimed. A good choice, because her own briefcase turned out to contain’only’ a thousand euros.

And so Bertha left with 488,000 euros, with which she can pay off herdaughter’s student debt, but also finally buy her dream camper. “I’m so happywith this,” he said enthusiastically.

The Voice

Two weeks ago, De Mol returned to television after months of absence with_Million dollar hunt_. In January of this year she stopped all her activitiesafter it became known that her now ex-partner Jeroen Rietbergen was accused ofsexually transgressive behavior behind the scenes at The Voicemail e orHolland. She was also not on the cover of her magazine for months Linda.

Bertha and Linda de Mol in Million Hunt. © Talpa

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