In ‘Four Hands On One Belly’ we see how participants from previous seasons aredoing this time. How is Chimène, for example? She will be assisted by KimKötter (40) in 2021 and can use her help. Chimène has experienced traumaticthings in her past and is very much looking forward to her birth. If it turnsout that she has a horror birth, the viewers sympathize intensely with her.Kim pays her a visit a year later and questions her.
“Now suddenly I can’t go outside without looking back”
In 2021 Chimene can be seen in Four Hands On One Belly. She is expecting herfirst child and has to take care of her baby on her own. When she becomespregnant unplanned, her boyfriend wants her to have an abortion. She choosesto keep the baby and is therefore on her own. She could really use Kim’s help.Chimene also suffers from mental problems. “I have PTSD. I got it when I wasabout 13 years old. My first boyfriend sexually abused and abused me for sevenmonths. And it still bothers me,” she says. Together with another ex of herboyfriend, she eventually files a complaint against him, after which he getsstuck.
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Kim is impressed by her story and tries to support Chimène as best she can.Chimène, for example, is very much looking forward to the birth, because shewill be touched by the doctors. Something that is a trigger for her. Kim triesto prepare her for childbirth through training. Chimène also makes a birthplan, so that she is in control. Unfortunately for Chimène, the birth is stillvery traumatic. She is cut three times and loses a lot of blood. The doctorsalso do not adhere to her birth plan.
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In the How are things now? episode tells Chimène that the hospital contactedher after the episode. “I received a letter that I could talk to them, but Idid not respond to it. In the hospital I was laughed at at the time and onlynow that it has come on television do they suddenly take me seriously.”
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Chimène also received an annoying email from her lawyer. Her ex-boyfriend, whoabused her, will be released soon. “That’s pretty hard, you know it’s coming,but it’s still hard when it comes so close,” she says. “He didn’t get a yearand a half for nothing.” When Kim asks her why he received an extra longsentence, Chimène explains that this is because of bad behavior. “The feelingof safety is gone. I have had that for three and a half years. And now I can’tgo outside without looking back.”
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Fortunately, Chimène also has enough positive things in her life to lookforward to. She enjoys her daughter to the fullest. “I really enjoy it. I’mreally enjoying myself as a mother. Every now and then it’s still looking forbeing able to be young and be a mother at the same time, but it’s going verywell.”
Four Hands on One Belly can be seen every Tuesday at 8.25 pm at BNNVARA onNPO 3. You can watch it here.