can Dwayne Johnson save DC?

Running from October 18th Black Adam in Dutch cinemas. A superhero film thatDwayne Johnson worked on for over fifteen years. Does that also make for agood DC movie? The first reactions from reviewers are pouring in.

Dwayne Johnson, you can’t ignore him.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

The cheerful actor sometimes seems to dominate half of the cinema agenda,partly because he seems to continuously play the same role.

As Twitter has also pointed out:

There are two rock genres. Dwayne Johnson in the Jungle and Dwayne Johnson> in a destroyed city.>> — Bat Lippiello (@LimeTH) February 27,> 2018

Highest earning actor

Fortunately, it often makes for extremely entertaining films. Pure popcornmaterial: no high-flyers who have a chance at the Oscars, but who consistentlymanage to put a smile on your face. And that’s exactly the best way to makemoney in Hollywood.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is the world’s highest paid actor for a reason.According to Forbes, the 50-year-old actor earns about $270 million a year.His total estimated wealth is even creeping towards 1 billion.

In the meantime, the actor is busy reinventing himself. He is coming todominate another film genre on October 18: superhero films. Yes, it’s hard toimagine, but the biggest genre of the last ten years has a big The Rock-shapedhole.

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DC presents Black Adam

Soon that will change with Black Adam. A superhero movie starring DwayneJohnson as the supervillain. DC has been working on the film for over tenyears. Black Adam was actually supposed to be the great villain of _Shazam!_was going to be, but eventually the studio decided to give him its own spin-off.

The Rock plays a thousands of years old man who once got his magical powersfrom the wizard Shazam. Unfortunately, Adam chose not to use those powers as asuperhero, but for evil purposes. He was imprisoned. Now, thousands of yearslater, he is finally released, with all the consequences that entails.

Adam is not exactly satisfied with the modern world he finds. Or, as thesuperhero movie’s tagline sums it up aptly: “The world needed a hero. It gotBlack Adam.” He will have to be stopped by the Justice Society, a superheroteam from DC, which includes Pierce Brosnan as superhero Doctor Fate.

Black Adam first reactions to superhero film DC DwayneJohnsonDwayneJohnson as Black Adam (Image: Warner Bros.)

First reactions from reviewers

Anyway, Dwayne Johnson says he has been working on getting the film made forfifteen years, and that has now been achieved. The film will be released inDutch cinemas on October 18. The trailers promise a lot, but is _Black Adam_actually a good movie?

Sort of, if we are to believe the initial reactions. Full reviews have not yetsurfaced online, but critics have already seen the DC film and shared theirinitial reactions on Twitter in recent days.

They are positive, but anything but unanimously positive. Free mixed._Reviewers praise the spectacular action and DC _lore in the blockbuster, butalso point out that the writing and the pace of the film are quite mediocre.

Born for the role

They all agree that Dwayne Johnson was born to play Black Adam. The actor _is_Adam. Now that is true for most of the roles he plays, but this time heembraces his character in a way that works out very convincingly. At least, ifwe are to believe the first reactions.

We have listed them for you below. Starting tomorrow night, reviewers willalso be able to post their full reviews, so keep an eye on IMDb and RottenTomatoes for more definitive conclusions and average scores from then on.