The 10 Biggest Netflix Originals Coming in 2023

Tomorrow, FilmTotaal will publish the list of lists with the greatest cinemafilms that will appear in theaters next year. Below is the expected 10 biggestfilms that will be on the largest streaming service Netflix in 2023.

The Pale Blue Eye by Scott Cooper (January 6, 2023)

Genre: Drama/Thriller | Starring: Christian Bale, Harry Melling, GillianAnderson

A seasoned detective investigates a series of murders at the United StatesMilitary Academy at West Point in 1830. He is aided in his investigation by anintelligent and eager young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe, who went on to becomeone of America’s most influential authors and the founder of the detectivegenre. will be.

Your Place or Mine by Aline Brosh McKenna (February 10, 2023)

Genre: Romkom | Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Ashton Kutcher

A man takes care of his best friend’s son, while a woman chases a lifelongdream by swapping homes for a life-changing week.

Luther: The Fallen Sun by Jamie Payne (March 2023)

Genre: Action Thriller | Starring: Idris Elba, Andy Serkis

A (first) film that follows the well-known series Luther in which Elba playsthe role of DCI John Luther, a man known for his dedication and ingeniousapproaches to solving police cases.

The Mother by Niki Caro (May 2023)

Genre: Action Thriller | Starring: Jennifer Lopez, Gael Garcia Bernal

A hit man is in hiding from her criminal ex-boyfriend. In addition, she gaveher daughter up for adoption years earlier. However, when her violent pastcatches up with her, she is forced to team up with a CIA agent to save herdaughter.

Extraction 2 by Sam Hargrave (June 2023)

Genre: Action Thriller | Starring: Chris Hemsworth

After presumably dying in the first movie, black ops mercenary Tyler Rakereturns for another high-stakes mission.

Bradley Cooper ‘s Maestro (2023)

Genre: Biopic | Starring: Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan

A biopic about the life of Leonard Bernstein, with a focus on his marriage toFelicia Montealegre.

Murder Mystery 2 by Jeremy Garelick (2023)

Genre: Action Comedy | Starring: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston

The sequel to Murder Mystery in which we saw Sandler as Nick Spitz, a NewYork City police officer, and Aniston as Audrey Spitz, a hairdresser, murdermystery enthusiast, and Nick’s wife.

Heart of Stone by Tom Harper (2023)

Genre: Action | Starring: Gal Gadot, Jamie Dornan

Rachel Stone is a CIA agent, the only woman standing between her powerfulglobal peacekeeping organization and the loss of her most prized – anddangerous – asset.

Rebel Moon by Zack Snyder (2023)

Genre: Sci-Fi Action | Starring: Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Ray Fisher,Djimon Hounsou, Anthony Hopkins

A peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy is threatened by the armies of atyrannical regent named Balisarius. The desperate citizens send Kora, a youngwoman with a mysterious past, on a quest for warriors from nearby planets tohelp them challenge the Regent.

The Killer by David Fincher (2023)

Genre: Action Thriller | Starring: Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton

Based on the French graphic novel series of the same name by Alexis Nolent.This one follows the life of an initially nameless assassin.

Laia Sanz charla con Cristina Gutiérrez: “Ahora vas a una carrera de chavales y está lleno de niñas” | Deportes

LS A mi se me hace muy largo. Soy nerviosa y me cuesta estar parada. Meaburro y encima hay colas para todo, es pesado. Tengo ganas de dar gas.

CG Yo necesito arrancar, coger ritmo. No me gusta la etapa de descanso, ala que paras…

LS ¡Te cuesta arrancar!

P. ¿Qué esperan de esta edición?

LS Siempre nos asustan. Siempre se dice que será el más duro, pero esteaño creo que es verdad. Hay más kilometros, hay más días. Los coches nopodremos parar durante el repostaje, y es incómodo. No puedes ir al baño,comer bien durante la etapa, y eso endurecerá la carrera.

CG El Empty Quarter [ el cuadrante vacío del desierto saudí]cuando vesel perfil de etapa, muy corta, te hace pensar.

LS Eso es trampa. En el Dakar, cuando hay una etapa tan corta es que esjodida.

P. ¿Se fijan mucho en lo que hacen los demás competidores?

LS Hay poco tiempo. Es llegar, comer, fisio. Hay gente a la que no vesdurante todo el Dakar. Seguramente no nos veremos en toda la prueba, pero alfinal terminas contándote las batallas.

CG Igual cenando, de pasada, un ‘¿qué tal?’ Cada uno tiene su rutina, peroes interesante hablar con otra gente de tu categoría.

P. ¿Como va el theme de la inclusion en el deporte de motor?

LS Miro atrás y, por suerte, el tema ha cambiado mucho.

CG Solo con ver el número de mujeres ya no sientes tanto respeto. Cuandoempecé, la única referencia que tenía era Laia. Tenía ese miedo de ver sipodía entrar en este mundo sin más. Lo que más me ha costado es hacerme valer,a veces cuando yo digo algo no se creen del todo que pueda tener esaexperiencia, y eso todavía me cuesta ahora. Hoy, por lo general, ya no es lonormal.

LS Y no son solo las pilotos. En un equipo antes eran todo tíos, y ahorahay una ingeniera y una mecánica en el mío, en trabajos que se consideraban dehombres.

P. Aun así, en el campamento hay una clara mayoría son hombres.

LS Hubieras alucinado hace 10 anos.

CG Los baños de chicas vacíos… (ríe)

LS ¡No habia nadie!

P. Son pilotos consolidadas, ¿notan si les dan más proyectos interesantes?

LS No nos dan, no, nos lo curramos. En la moto sí había demostrado mucho,pero en coches estoy empezando de cero. Sales de tu zona de confort, y lo quehice antes no sirve de demasiado, aunque algo ayuda.

CG Tengo menos experiencia que Laia, pero si es cierto que, aunque estosaños parece que todo va bien, es verdad que tienes batallas mentals, dudas deti misma. Es un trabajo donde no desconectas nunca, ya mí al menos me cuesta.Siempre estamos trabajando, buscando patrocinios.

P. ¿Creen que hay todavía diferencia de trato respecto a los hombres?

LS Con los Mundiales que he ganado en moto, si fuese un tío podríaretirarme y trabajar poco. No será así, pero tampoco hay que engañarse. Elhecho de ser mujer en un ámbito donde no era lo normal también me ha ayudado.En las motos me costó muchos años demostrar mi valía, entrar en el equipooficial. Siempre había que demostrar más.

CG Al final, la que entra tiene la lupa encima. Si haces algo mal, pareceque es tres veces peor que el error de un hombre. Si cometes un error, pareceque te están mirando mal. Sí estoy de acuerdo con Laia sobre el tema de laatención y los patrocinios, hay dos caras de la misma moneda.

LS Hay que recordar que este es un mundo muy difícil para cualquiera.También hay pocos hombres que no deban trabajar mucho y poner de su bolsillopara llegar al Dakar. En ciertas cosas nosotras lo tenemos peor, pero soyoptimista y vamos por el buen camino.

P. Por vuestro trabajo, como es el caso, viajan a sitios donde losderechos de la mujer dejan mucho que desear, ¿les incomoda?

LS En el Dakar vivimos en una burbuja. Vas de la etapa al vivac, y es comoestar en casa.

CG No vivimos la realidad de aqui.

LS No estamos integrados, es un mundo paralelo.

P. ¿Cómo ha sido competir como compañeras de Carlos Sainz y Sébastien Loeben la Extreme E?

LS Ha sido genial, creo que para las dos.

CG Aprendes todo el rato.

LS Imaginate empezar en el mundo de los coches con Carlos. Seguro que haacelerado mi proceso de aprendizaje. No hubiera podido aprender tan rápido ytan bien sin alguien como él acompañándome.

CG Sebastien es muy natural. Es como un padre deportivo, un amigo. Es tansincero con todo. Hay muy buen rollo, me ayuda con todo y nos lo pasamos muybien. ¡Es una leyenda! Todavia no me lo creo.

P. ¿Qué significaría que una de vosotras, o cualquier otra mujer, volvieraa ganar el Dakar?

LS Ya lo hizo Jutta [Kleinschmidt], y hay que repetir. Hay que ir a porello.

CG Para mí es cuestión de estadística. Cuantas más mujeres haya será másfacil que alguna gane. Hay que empujar, y Laia ha demostrado que puedeconseguirlo. Yo en mi categoría estoy peleándome como puedo. Hay que darlotodo y luego tener algo de suerte.

P. ¿Sería posible un Dakar paritario en el futuro?

LS No soy partidaria de forzarlo. Es un theme de education. Yo cuandoempecé de pequeña era la única, un bicho raro. Me decian marimacho y de todo.Ahora tú vas a una carrera de chavales y está lleno de niñas. No hay querepartir los numeros como los ministros. Yo creo en la gente que es válida ycompetitiva.

El mismo Xavi; un Barcelona distinto | Deportes

Pique se ha retirado; Nico está cedido al Valencia y Abde a Osasuna; Minguezase fue al Celta; Ilias regresó al filial; Coutinho, Riqui y Demir salieron delCamp Nou. No han sido las únicas ocho bajas sino que desde el verano hay quesumar las de Aubameyang, Adama y Alves. Hay tambien un jugador que hairrumpido con fuerza como Balde. Los datos avalan la mejora defensiva pese aque sigue sin contar con un lateral derecho puro: los azulgrana solo hanencajado cinco goles en 14 partidos y Ter Stegen ha recuperado su mejor forma,decisivo para corregir las concesiones que todavía se dan y ya provocaron laelimination of the champions.

The 10 highest paid actors of 2022 and their absurd incomes

The film industry is running at full speed again after a few lean corona yearsand the big boys are raking in a lot of money. These are the 10 highest paidactors of 2022.

It is no surprise that almost all of the top earners are of American descent.What is striking is that it is mainly the old people who rake like crazy. Mostbig names have been around for an eternity; they have been active since theearly 1990s or even longer.

The highest paid actors of 2022

So is the number 1 on the list, based on research by Edward. This man whohas perfected method acting down to the last detail has been around for almost40 years.

1. Tom Cruise (100 million euros)

The absolute leader is Tom Cruise. The best man is now over sixty, but thatdoes not detract from his energy on the silver screen. Of _Top Gun: Maverick_he delivered another great action banger. For now, we are not rid of thislegend.

tom cruise, top gun maverick, real fighter jet hire, cost,budgetTom Cruise in TopGun: Maverick (Image: Paramount Pictures)

2. Will Smith (35 million euros)

Will Smith occupies – perhaps for the last time – the second place in the listof highest paid actors. The question is whether he will land any major rolesafter he showed his worst side during the Oscar ceremony and treated hostChris Rock to an old-fashioned bitch slap.

will smith, chris rock, oscar, oscars 2022, clap, fight, fight, academyawardsWill Smith and ChrisRock were well dressed (Image: Getty)

3. Leonardo DiCaprio (30 million euros)

Perhaps the biggest movie star in this list when it comes to acting talent andthe interpretation of various roles. In the financial field, Leonardo DiCaprioremains stuck in third place.

Killers of the Flower Moon, new movies and series, apple tv, dicaprio,deniroLeonardo DiCaprioin Killers of the Flower Moon (Image: Apple TV+)

4. Brad Pitt (30 million euros)

Like the two men above him in the list of highest paid actors of 2022, BradPitt can join an illustrious list: that of Oscar winners. Tom Cruise can stillsuck at that.

skirt, brad pitt, dress, linen, premiere, bullet train, red carpet, looks,fans, sunglasses,ladybugBrad Pittat the Bullet Train premiere (Image: Getty)

5. Dwayne Johnson (22.5 million euros)

The Rock shits out a new movie every year these days. Dwayne Johnson has alsobeen roped in by DC and is starring in his own superhero movie: Black Adam.

all trailers, trailer, black adam, dwayne johnson, comic con 2022, newmovies andseriesDwayne Johnson as Back Adam (Image: DC)

6. Ryan Reynolds (20 million euros)

The ever-comic Canadian Ryan Reynolds tops the right-hand row in the list ofthe highest paid actors of 2022.

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Met Gala2022BlakeLively and Ryan Reynolds at the 2022 Met Gala (Image: Getty / Mike Coppola)

7. Chris Hemsworth (20 million euros)

The man with the hammer is in 7th place. Not the one who comes by in themorning after a heavy night of drinking, but the actor who plays the mightyThor in various Marvel films. The Australian Chris Hemsworth also seems to beable to surf quite a bit. In 2022 he also received sad news, so that he willstop acting in the near future.

Netflix Spiderhead ChrisHemsworthChris Hemsworth in Spiderhead (Image:Netflix)

8. Vin Diesel (20 million euros)

Old veteran Vin Diesel can also count himself among the best paid actors of2022. Next year he will appear in the tenth part of Fast & Furious and wesee him back as Xander Cage in xXx 4.

Vin Diesel Birthday Dodge Charger 1970TantrumVin Diesel behind the wheel(Image: Universal Pictures)

9. Tom Hardy (20 million euros)

Tom Hardy’s impressive career began in the miniseries Band of Brothers. TheBritish actor has now become one of the greatest and he is also connected tothe Marvel universe thanks to his leading role in the Venom films.

tom hardy, mixed martial arts, brazilian, jiu jitsu, tournament mma, won,winsTom Hardy in Taboo(Image: BBC)

10. Joaquin Phoenix (20 million euros)

We close the list of the highest paid actors of 2022 with Joaquin Phoenix, theman who delivered an amazing acting performance in joker. We can’t wait forthe sequel in 2024.

joaquin phoenix, highest paid actors,2022The first look of Joaquin Phoenix inJoker: Folie à Deux (2024) (Image: Warner Bros. Pictures)

Read in this article which are the highest paid actresses of 2022.

What Kate Hudson, Allison Williams, and more stars are saying about the nepotism baby debate

Hollywood stars are divided over the latest buzzword: “Nepo baby.”

Short for nepotism or the practice of favoring friends and family for jobs,the phrase has gained traction among social media users as they’ve used theterm with both fascination and repulsion after learning up-and-coming starsmight’ve had a helping hand in entering show business.

The discourse was sparked once again in Vulture’s cover story, “The Year ofthe Nepo Baby,” earlier this month.

Famous offspring like Kate Hudson, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Dan Levy responded tothe controversial label, with some celebrities criticizing claims offavoritism and others acknowledging their unique upbringing.

Allison Williams admits nepotism baby ‘privilege’

Williams, the daughter of former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams,acknowledged her identity as a “nepotism baby,” saying it “doesn’t feel like aloss to admit it.”

“There’s no conversation about my career without talking about the ways inwhich I have been fortunate,” the actress, 34, who starred in 2017’s “Get Out”and the upcoming horror film “M3GAN” said in a Wired interview publishedThursday.

“I was concerned with making sure people understood I was a hard worker as ifsomehow that would absolve me of the privilege.”

More: Allison Williams’ friends told her to get therapy after ‘Get Out,”The Perfection’ roles

Kate Hudson weighs in: ‘If you work hard… it doesn’t matter’

When it comes to the nepotism baby debate, Hudson says she “doesn’t care.”

“I don’t care where you come from, or what your relationship to the businessis,” Hudson, who was raised by her mother Goldie Hawn and her longtime partnerKurt Russell , said in an interview with The Independent publishedSaturday. “If you work hard and you kill it, it doesn’t matter.”

Story continues

O’Shea Jackson Jr. ‘grateful’ for father Ice Cube’s support

Joining the nepo baby discourse, Jackson Jr. took to social media to detailhis work ethic and persistence, noting that his father, rapper Ice Cube,”couldn’t hold my hand through my career.”

“I had to get my (expletive) up and make it work,” Jackson Jr., who played hisdad in 2015’s “Straight Outta Compton,”tweeted this month. “From the roles I chose. The work ethic I putinto them. My professionalism on sets and promo tours. Even leaving HIS agencyand goin (sic) to find a team of my own. Once the door was opened it was up tome to walk through it and thrive.”

But he also credited the love and support from his father for where he istoday.

“The work (Ice Cube) put in to get us to a place of opportunity. And for me toignore that or not accept and use as a guide would be foolish anddisrespectful. I am grateful and I use his teachings daily.”

Jamie Lee Curtis says label is designed to ‘diminish’ and ‘hurt’

Curtis, the daughter of Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, took to Instagram lastweek to defend herself from false assumptions that all nepotism babies areautomatically untalented or undeserving of their fame.

“The current conversation about nepo babies is just designed to try todiminish and denigrate and hurt,” the “Halloween Ends” star wrote at the time.

“I have navigated 44 years with the advantages my associated and reflectedfame brought me, I don’t pretend there aren’t any, that try to tell me that Ihave no value on my own. It’s curious how we immediately make assumptions andsnide remarks that someone related to someone else who is famous in theirfield for their art, would somehow have no talent whatsoever.”

Fighting back against the stigma, she also described having “suited up andshown up for all different kinds of work with thousands of thousands of peopleand every day I’ve tried to bring integrity and professionalism and love andcommunity and art to my work. “

‘ OG Nepo Baby’: Jamie Lee Curtis says the label is designed to ‘diminish’and ‘hurt’

Dan Levy ‘never really turned’ to Eugene Levy for acting help

Dan Levy rose to fame when starring alongside his father, Eugene Levy(“American Pie”) in the Emmy Award-winning series “Schitt’s Creek.” In hisacting career, he said he “never really turned to my dad for anything” out offear of the label of nepotism.

“Entertainment seems to be the only arena where children who pursue the workof their parents, which is an inherently natural thing to do, is met with alot of skepticism. And so for my whole life, leading up to (“Schitt’s Creek),I’ve always tried to do everything on my own, I guess to prove, mainly tomyself, that I could do it,” Levy told Page Six in 2018 .

Eugene and Dan Levy both won Emmy Awards for their performances at "Schitt'sCreek."

Eugene and Dan Levy both won Emmy Awards for their performances in “Schitt’sCreek.”

Lily-Rose Depp talks nepotism criticism: ‘Doesn’t make any sense’

In November, Depp opened up about her experiences as the daughter of JohnnyDepp and Vanessa Paradis.

“People are going to have preconceived ideas about you or how you got there,and I can definitely say that nothing is going to get you the part except forbeing right for the part,” Depp, who is starring in HBO Max’s “The Idol ,”said at the time.

Lily-Rose Depp will be starring in "The Idol"  The Weeknd, coming soon toHBOMax.Lily-Rose Depp will be starring in "The Idol"  The Weeknd, coming soon to HBOMax.

Lily-Rose Depp will be starring in “The Idol” alongside The Weeknd, comingsoon to HBO Max.

“Maybe you get your foot in the door, but you still just have your foot in thedoor. There’s a lot of work that comes after that.”

Depp also criticized the concept of the label, saying it’s “weird” to “reducesomebody to the idea that they’re only there because it’s a generationalthing. It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Zoë Kravitz: ‘It’s completely normal for people to be in the familybusiness’

When discussing the topic in November, Kravitz, who is the daughter of LennyKravitz and Lisa Bonet, said it’s “completely normal for people to be in thefamily business”.

“It’s literally where last names came from. You were a blacksmith if yourfamily was, like, the Black family,” the “Batman” star, 34, told GQ at thetime.

Jack Quaid didn’t want people thinking ‘I’m just riding my parents’coattails’

Jack Quaid, best known for his role in “The Boys, previously talked aboutwanting to distance himself from his parents, actors Meg Ryan and DennisQuaid, even considering changing his last name.

“I think in the beginning, I was like, ‘Oh, do people like me? Do they thinkthat I’m just riding my parents’ coattails?’ and all this stuff,” Quaid, 30,said in a June interview with Thrillist. “I’ve been making an effort to focuson that less and just really trying to embrace this.”

Jack Quaid with his father, actor DennisQuaid.JackQuaid with his father, actor DennisQuaid.

Jack Quaid with his father, actor Dennis Quaid.

Though she was not included in Vulture’s list of nepotism babies, actress EveHewson, daughter of Bono, decided to weigh in on the debate with humor.

“Actually pretty devastated i’m not featured in the nepo baby article likehaven’t they seen my hit show Bad Sisters??? The NERVE,” shetweeted this month.

‘ Nepo babies’ in Hollywood: What do famous families say about industryequity?

Contributing: Elise Brisco

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Kate Hudson, Jamie Lee Curtis,more stars on nepotism baby debate

Disney+ celebrates Stan Lee’s 100th birthday in a special way

Marvel Studios and Disney+ are celebrating Stan Lee’s 100th birthday in aspecial way. In 2023, a documentary about the life of the Marvel icon willcome to the streaming service.

Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is bad for now hit or miss. ShangChi was a pleasant surprise and proved that there is a way to keep the filmsfresh and diverse without being repetitive, although the ending was anothergood Marvel déjà vu. A curse that it started so original Wanda Vision alsoplagued towards the end.

Marvel has lost focus

Also Ms. Marvel managed to charm, and there are a few more highlights tomention. Unfortunately, these highlights are also accompanied by majorsetbacks. Thor: Love and Thunder was a big disappointment. Shame aboutChristian Bale’s MCU debut. Taika Waititi clearly doesn’t always hit the mark.Also She Hulk caused mixed reactions among fans, and the new DoctorStrange had much more potential than was taken out.

Anyway, the conclusion is clear: since Avengers: Endgame the MCU has lostfocus a bit. Hopefully next year will change that, because then there will beanother big climax, a goal to work towards. Ant Man and the Wasp:Quantumania for example, will continue to focus on Kang, the great villainwho is more dangerous than Thanos and already showed up in Loki.

9 famous actors who almost played a major role in Harry Potter

Centenary Birthday Stan Lee

Fingers crossed , So. Instead of just looking forward, we can also look backin 2023. December 28 would have been the 100th birthday of Stan Lee, the co-creator of Spider-Man, the Avengers, the X-Men and countless other Marvelheroes. Rightly or not, Lee is often referred to as the father of Marvel. Thesurprising cameos in Marvel films complete the iconic picture.

In 2018, the icon passed away at the age of 95. The end of a long career,because in 1941 he already wrote his first story for Captain America Comics. Acareer about which several fascinating books have already been written. Leewas not always at the helm of Marvel Comics, and sometimes even waged waragainst the company.

Documentary on Disney+

There’s almost a hundred years of anecdotes, adventures and pop culturehistory to plow through. Details like Lee and Michael Jackson’s attempt to buyMarvel so Jackson could play Spider-Man alone deserve their own documentary.

Don’t feel like diving into the books? You don’t have to, because Disney, theowner of Marvel, is celebrating Stan Lee’s 100th birthday in a special way.Last Wednesday, Marvel Entertainment shared a short teaser on Twitter for abrand new documentary. The name? Simple yet effective: Stan Lee.

100 years of dreaming. 100 years of creating. 100 years of Stan Lee.>> Stan Lee, an Original documentary, is streaming 2023 on> @DisneyPlus.>>> — Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) December 28,> 2022

Congratulations and a lot of patience

“100 years of dreams. 100 years of creating. 100 years of Stan Lee,” MarvelEntertainment wrote in a caption accompanying the teaser. “Stan Lee, anoriginal documentary streaming 2023 on @DisneyPlus.” Disney + will thereforedive into the impactful life of the comics writer. Great, even fantastic, butthere is also bad news: nothing else is known about the project. We only knowthat a documentary about Stan Lee is coming to Disney+ sometime in 2023 called_Stan Lee_. _That ‘s it. _

So a matter of waiting. In the meantime, Lee is being congratulatedextensively, including by brand new DC boss James Gunn:

Dos goles en propia puerta de un central del Leicester dan el triunfo al Liverpool | Deportes

El sainete de Faes opacó las pobres prestaciones del Liverpool, que se abonó alo extraordinario: durante el calentamiento Elliott chocó con Robertson y ellateral izquierdo, aunque se alineó, no pudo acabar el partido y es duda parala inmediata cita del día 2 en Brentford. “Ganamos y eso es lo importante,pero tenemos mucho que mejorar”, reconció al final el zaguero Virgil Van Dijk.Un gol de Dewsbury-Hall para el Leicester a los cuatro minutos de partidoevidenció las carencias defensivas del equipo de Klopp, que no supo enfrentaruna acción en la que desde un saque de puerta dos toques para bajar la pelotadesarmaron todo su entramado defensivo con un carril libre por el medio de lazaga. “Nos faltó intensidad, ganaban las segundas jugadas y no supimospresionarles”, se disculpó Trent Alexandre-Arnold.

De Volkskrant TV selection for Friday 30 December

Eighth grade

NPO 3, 4.47 pm

(Comedy, Bo Burnham, 2018) Masterful coming-of-age film, written and directedby the American multi-talent Bo Burnham. Insecure adolescent Kayla (fantasticbreakout role by Elsie Fisher) is in the second grade of high school and makesendearing, bumbling vlogs in which she calls on her few viewers to bethemselves. Something she can’t do herself. Eighth grade is an admirablyempathetic descent into the brain of a modern adolescent girl, with socialcriticism often cleverly packaged as a mildly wry joke and woven into the filmso subtly that it can often be overlooked. The genuine honesty and curiositywith which Burnham chooses Kayla’s perspective is a relief.

Media Inside New Year’s Eve Show

NPO 3, 8.25 pm

This year, many well-known Dutch and international stars fell off theirpedestal. Will we see them again next year, or have they been canceledpermanently? In a festive New Year’s Eve special of their talk show MediaInside Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen review the past media year.With Emma Wortelboer and other guests, they look back at memorable programsand programs that they would rather forget as quickly as possible. There isalso an extra long ‘Letter from Marcel’, and the protagonists of the note areguests in the broadcast.

A-ha: The Movie

NPO 3, 9.33 pm

Norway had never produced a significant pop band until the three young men ofA-ha scored a world hit in 1985 with Take on Me. The band remained activeinto the 1990s, before making a number of comebacks. In front of A-ha: TheMovie director Thomas Robsahm followed the band members during theiractivities and tours for four years. With separate cars, hotels and changingrooms, Morten, Pål and Magne only see each other on stage. The very differentpersonalities talk about their working relationship, dreams anddisappointments.

My Old School

BBC2, 10pm

In 1993, the 16-year-old students of class 5C at Bearsden Academy, a secondaryschool in Glasgow, get a new classmate. Brandon Lee soon proves to be a starwho scores high on his exams. He also won the lead role in the school musical.Then a bizarre discovery is made about the student. In the documentary My OldSchool director Jono McLeod interviews the then students of class 5C andBrandon Lee himself. Lee did not want to appear on screen and is thereforeplayed by actor Alan Cumming.

Top 2000 a gogo

NPO 1, 10.10 pm

Leo Blokhuis and Herman van der Zandt present in Top 2000 a gogo again somestories behind the hits from the ‘list of lists’. OMD is the band behind thesong Enola Gay and was a major driver of synthpop in the 1980s. Vocalist andbassist Andy McCluskey is still active with the band to this day. There isalso the story behind the song Luggage carrier by Spinvis, which became anice hit in 2002, much to the surprise of the artist himself. Monic Hendrickx,Tim den Besten and Sophie Hilbrand are the bar guests today.

Becoming Astrid

NPO 2, 11:03 PM

(Drama, Pernille Fischer Christensen, 2018) She loves to tell made-up storiesand is not asked by any nice guys at dances. Behold the young Astrid Lindgren,in the Danish-Swedish costume drama Becoming Astrid ( Unga Astrid ). It’sas if the film is looking for answers in those flashbacks, without making tooobvious a connection between Lindgren’s life and work. The makers refuse tostep through Lindgren’s history in seven-league boots: a smart choice, thisfocused focus on the great writer’s formative and remarkably dramatic teenageyears.

Alba August in Becoming Astrid by Pernille Fischer Christensen.  Image

Alba August in Becoming Astrid by Pernille Fischer Christensen.


ZDF, 11:10 p.m

(Drama, Christian Petzold, 2020) Special adaptation of the ancient fairy taleabout water nymph Undine, largely set in contemporary Berlin. Fittingly,Undine (Paula Beer) falls for a professional diver who checks beachheads(Franz Rogowski), and their romance is literally baptized by the miniaturetidal wave of an aquarium bursting apart. A magical, mature romantic image,just kept in check by Christian Petzold’s characteristically restraineddirection. Undine just doesn’t (or just does) become fantasy, while legendsand sagas resonate in the plot without losing the intimacy of the love drama.

These are the biggest box office flops in 2022

**2022 was another good year for cinemas after 2 difficult years. There were anumber of big hits again, such as Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way ofWater and smaller films that left a big impression like Everything,Everywhere all at Once. But movies have also come out that have resulted inhundreds of millions of dollars in loss for the movie studios. These are thebiggest box office flops of the past year. **

If a studio wants to make money from a film, it is generally assumed that thefilm must earn back 2 to 3 times its budget. In addition to the budget, a lotof money is also spent on marketing and distribution costs. A large part ofthe proceeds also lags behind the cinemas.


Morbius inspiring perhaps 1000 different memes, few people have seen thefilm in the cinema. The film was razed to the ground by both critics and fans,which will not have contributed to the returns.

With a revenue of $167 million against a budget of $83, this is not thebiggest flop of the year, but after the success of _Spider Man: No Way Home_Sony probably hoped for much more.


Lightyear was the first Pixar movie to receive a theatrical release afterall the corona lockdowns made movies like Soul and Turning Red wentstraight to Disney+. Despite the connection to the Toy Story films, the filmwas not a success.

With a budget of $200 million, the film managed to gross a measly $226million. A bad marketing campaign and mediocre reviews are seen as theculprits. But perhaps the biggest problem is Disney+, as fans have grownaccustomed to animated movies going straight to the streamer.

The Fablemans

Steven Spielberg has made quite a few classics that all brought in a lot ofmoney, think of Jurassic Park, Jaws and E.T. But lately things have not beengoing so well for the director’s films. Last year his remake of West SideStory already a flop. And also his latest movie The Fablemans failed tofind an audience.

With a budget of $40, the film made a disastrous $10 million at the boxoffice. The film has yet to be released in many countries, so perhaps the paincan be eased a bit.


The new from La La Land director Damien Chazelle promised to be a big hit,but the opening weekend returns are dramatic, to say the least. The film has aprice tag of between $80 and $100 million. In its first weekend, the filmgrossed just $3.6 million.

Even a promise of orgies and lots of nude scenes failed to convince theaudience. The film has yet to premiere in the rest of the world, so perhapsthe damage can be limited a bit.


Another film with Margot Robbie and a star cast that failed to find anaudience. With a budget of $80 million Amsterdam a measly $31 million at theworldwide box office. The film can now be seen on Disney +, perhaps it willfind an audience there.


It was a bad year for Disney animated films. Also Strange World failed todraw an audience. A total lack of marketing is seen as the culprit. The movieonly made $62 million against a budget of $180 million. The question iswhether Disney will spend so much money on animated films in the coming years.


Not only the biggest flop of 2022 but one of the worst-earning films of alltime. Ronald Emmerich’s disaster movie cost a whopping $146 million to makeand made back a whopping $67 million. Perhaps this was finally the last timethe Independence Day/Day After Tomorrow/2012/Godzilla director got so muchmoney to destroy the world.

Un Rally Dakar con muchas trampas: “Más gente de lo habitual se quedará en la arena” | Deportes

“La primera semana es para ganar el Dakar, y la segunda es para no perderlo.Creo que podría resumirse así”, explica a EL PAÍS David Castera, director dela carrera. “Hemos puesto más kilómetros y luego tenemos la parte de lasdunas, que obligará a cambiar el ritmo seguro. Entre la tercera y novena etapahabrá mucha navegación, y luego los problemas serán técnicos”. Este año laorganización propone cambios normativos para reducir el impacto de laestrategia. Los coches no tendrán tramos neutralizados y no podrán descansardurante el repostaje, lo que no les permitirá informarse sobre su posición enla etapa. Además, la FIA establecerá un control de rendimiento confidencial delos vehículos punteros y podrá modificar las prestaciones e igualar elpotencial de los equipos.

“Un commissie independiente analizará el rendimiento motor de cada equipo paraque no haya diferencias abismales en el apartado técnico. La organización noquiere castigar a quienes mejor trabajan, sino igualar el campo de batalla”,explica Isidre Esteve (Toyota). En motos, el principal cambio será labonificación de tiempo para los pilotos que abran pista, una medida que puedefavorecer el estilo de pilotaje de Joan Barreda (Honda), que encara su últimaoportunidad para ganar la prueba. “Es un buen paso. Antes se pensaba mucho enla estrategia para no abrir y ahora nos sentimos más libres, podemoscentrarnos en pilotar sin tener miedo a que ser rápidos nos perjudique”,apunta Pablo Quintanilla, compañero del castellonense y segundo el año pasado.“Hace mucho que nadie repite victorias en el Dakar y quiero romper elmaleficio”, dice Sam Sunderland (GASGAS), vencedor de la edición de 2022. MarcComa, en 2014 y 2015, fue el último en conseguirlo. “Hay muchos competidoresfuertes, pero el desierto es el más duro”, añade.