The Bijlmer disaster is exactly thirty years ago at the beginning of theevening. Rapper Akwasi was one of many to witness the crash of an Israeliplane into two flats. Tonight he – and several others – can be seen in thedocumentary A Hole In My Heart.
Because this is Omroep Zwart’s very first documentary – Akwasi Ansah is itschairman and creative director – we discuss A Hole In My Heart in Look atthe Tube. In this Subway section discusses new and striking programs fromregular broadcasters and streaming services.
Murder and fire over Akwasi on Twitter
Akwasi joined Humberto Tan’s talk show on Sunday evening to talk about OmroepZwart’s documentary. He hadn’t opened his mouth yet and Twitterers wept bigtears. What was that Akwasi doing there? Are there many more victims of theBijlmer disaster? And who, in addition, unlike the TV man and artist, peoplefrom their environment were lost?
The cackle sewer probably hadn’t noticed at the time that another victim, whohad to miss her best friend, also simply Humberto on Sunday spoke. Even ifit wasn’t: Akwasi is the creator of A Hole In My Heart , he is the maincharacter that is being followed and also the man behind the broadcaster whomade it. So logical that he was the first to be asked for the talk show.
A lot of attention for the Bijlmer disaster
Broadcasting A Hole In My Heart on the day of the Bijlmer disaster (4October 1992) is just as logical. If we can also speak of mustard after meals.The documentary disaster flight (KRO-NCRV) can be seen ‘only’ tomorrowevening, but can be viewed via NPO Start for some time now. And of course thewidely acclaimed series has been on its way for days (same title, also KRO-NCRV). Anyway, thirty years is thirty years and that is why it is notsurprising that Omroep Zwart has given its own twist to the disaster at theGroeneveen and Kruitberg flats.
43 people were killed in the Bijlmer disaster: 4 crew members from El Al(there were no more people in the cargo plane) and 39 residents of the Bijlmerin Amsterdam. Many children witnessed the crash of the large plane early onSunday evening. Among them Akwasi, who was 4 years old at the time. Hismemories in his life start with that moment, when he looked through the windowof the apartment. “I don’t remember anything from before that time,” says therapper. “My life started with the Bijlmer disaster.”
Children drew their experiences
A Hole In My Heart premiered last week during the Netherlands Film Festival.The approach is fascinating: the children of that time at school had to (orwere allowed to) draw their experiences. The stories they told were collectedin a book. For example, there is the story of the tree ‘which had no feet andtherefore could not run away, but was therefore able to see everything’. Wesee some children from that time in the documentary.
Akwasi’smother is also featured in Een Holt In Mijn Hart. Photo: Broadcasting Black
Akwasi’s drawing also made it into the book. He decided to show it and tellhis daughter who is now 4 years young herself. Telling a young child about anairplane that flies into a flat is something you might think about. Butanything better than the twitterers – there they are again – who showed up onSunday evening during the broadcast of Humberto on Sunday interferedunsolicited in the education of Akwasi in despicable language. The man whoexperienced the Bijlmer disaster decided to do it. He should know thathimself.
Akwasi got scared and crying
The documentary shows that he is having a hard time pronouncing his words andthe eyes of the Omroep Zwart-man are not keeping it dry. Fortunately, hischild reacts uninhibitedly: “And then you had to cry.” Kwamè, Akwasi’sbrother, sees the book about the disaster for the first time. He washed upwhen the plane came down and remembers his little brother as crying andscared. Akwasi’s mother admits that: “You kept screaming. When we moved it wasgood.”
Crying also applies to Marleen Keijzer. She was 12 years old during theBijlmer disaster and lost three boyfriends. “From then on I started tosurvive. I actually still do that,” she tells the camera. She is adamant: “Iwould feel guilty if I stopped crying for them now. I have a hole in my heartand after thirty years that hole is still not healed.”
Thebook with stories and drawings of children. Photo: Broadcasting Black
Akwasi has not talked about the disaster for a long time. He was an insider.But now: “It’s better to talk about it.” And he does that with fellowsufferers in A Hole In My Heart then.
Excellent ‘review cost’
Do you expect Omroep Zwart with a docu like this to raise a little finger? Youdon’t get that. The tone is calm and pleasant. Just like tomorrow’s KRO-NCRVbroadcast ( Subway saw that too) is A Hole In My Heart good ‘look back’.However, both documentaries are less impressive than the series Disasterflight. Although played by actors, disaster flight much more to theterrible disaster of that time. And especially to the inhabitants of theBijlmer, many of whom fell ill and were left to their own devices.
A Hole In My Hand can be seen tonight (Tuesday) at 22.10 on NPO 2 and lasts47 minutes.
Number of cans: 3 out of 5.
In any case, a viewing tip for that previously mentioned cackle sewer. First:turn off Twitter, huh?