KortrijkDick Descamps (56), he has been playing music for almost forty yearsand is currently bass player in singer-frontman Luc Dufourmont’s bands TwoRussian Cowboys and IDIOTS, surprised with Lone Woof. “For me, this soloproject means just making music, without having to make compromises like in aband. There is nothing wrong with that, but I also like to do my own thingonce in a while,” says de Kortrijkzaan. He immediately presents a surprisingEP with Lone Woof.
His first performance with guitar was at Sint-Amands Primary School Noord inKortrijk. “I don’t really remember why it eventually became the bass guitar,but I have always been a fan of Gene Simmons from hard rock band Kiss and alsogrew up with art rock band The Residents and the American rock band ZZ Top. Itis a wonderful instrument.”
“Without a bass player, a song collapses. I always try to make sure there’s agroove in it, along with the drummer, as the backbone of a band. Put me in theback, I’m reluctant on a stage. It’s a character trait of mine and often alsosomething general, as a bass player”, says Dick Descamps, who reached thefinals of Humo’s Rock Rally in 1990 as bass player of the then rock group UglyPapas.
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Dick Descamps, at IDIOTS. Archive image © Henk Deleu
Dick Descamps also played (as a replacement) in 1997 with Loamy Soil, nowknown worldwide as electro rock band Goose, he played with Ozark Henry from1998 to 2010, he was with The Whodads (surf and mambo) from Ghent from 1997 to2015… “ My strength? I have a good sound, I know how to add value to a song.And I never obediently follow patterns, I often look for adventure withsurprising bass lines,” says Dick Descamps, who now continues that sense ofadventure with his own solo project Lone Woof. He set up a music room at hishome to record records himself.
Quote >>> Lone Woof sounds funky and danceable. It leans towards Electric Dance Music>> Dick Descamps
And so there is now the first EP with six songs, from Lone Woof. “I likeworking with samples, I’m not a singer and I know my limitations. Lone Woofsounds funky and is very danceable. It leans towards Electric Dance Music(EDM), with influences from American musician Moby and English musician FatboySlim, among others. A surprising genre, for those who know me, but do notforget that I am also a deejay in addition to bass player, such as in Den Braspub in Kortrijk. It is also by deejaying that creativity keeps coming,” saysDescamps.
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Dick Descamps (second from left), several years ago with IDIOTS © Henk Deleu
His first EP can be listened to on the streaming services Spotify and Deezer.“I throw a straw to anyone who might be interested. It’s not my intention toget all the way to the fore with Lone Woof, but I don’t want to stay on thesidelines with it either. The project can play a supporting role, for exampleto write songs for television series.”
Quote >>> I worked on two songs with Cleo, daughter of Luc Dufourmont. She has a> beautiful voice. ‘Mol’ Uma Vandemaele also cooperates. Their drive, ideas> and enthusiasm are refreshing>> Dick Descamps
“And who knows, there will be an LP or a DJ set in a limited edition, withoutperforming live with Lone Woof. Let me make music alone, in my room. It’s myown playground. Super fun. Compare it to visiting amusement park Bellewaerdeon your own, while all attractions are open. Although I certainly don’t doeverything alone, on the contrary. For example, I worked on two songs withCleo, the daughter of Luc Dufourmont. She has a beautiful voice. And ‘Mol’ UmaVandemaele also cooperates. Very nice to involve such young people in LoneWoof. Their drive, ideas and enthusiasm are refreshing. And vice versa, theygain experience with me.”